Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Shitsuren Chocolatier (Mini Review)

Hi Hi! So I just finished Shitsuren Chocolatier! I wasn't going to do a post on this drama because I skimmed a lot of parts and it didn't catch me as much, but the finale actually gave me a lot to talk about so here goes! I will name this a mini review because I will still being giving you the same information, but just not with a lot of details on characters and such!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Senryokugai Sousakan (Review)

HIYA! I just finished Senryokugai Sousakan like 5 minutes ago and I decided to write a review thingy on it! I have to say that this whole drama was actually pretty entertaining but that's probably all. Obviously I watched it because Takei Emi is in it. And I'm also really happy I found out about TAKAHIRO from this drama because he's super super cute!