Monday, May 05, 2014

2014 Spring Season First Impressions, Updates, & Recent Watches

So I have a ton of dramas on my watchlist this season and I'm super excited! I have a few first impressions here. It's not a lot and it's more like a weekly update, but I've decided to stop those for now. I feel that it's much better to do updates once in a while now. Seeing that I have school and everything, I don't really have the time to watch a lot of dramas and movies each week. I didn't really write a lot for my first impressions, but I'm probably going to do a much more detailed midway impressions l8ter. Whatever, this post is rlly random.

Official Trailers Released for Sukitte Ii Na Yo & Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno/The Legend Ends

Okay, so I know this news is pretty old for anyone who follows these mangas avidly. In fact, I watched them like ages ago, but I just really wanted to write about them!