HIHI!! So it's about the halfway mark of the fall season dramas. Most of the Jdramas have reached episode 5-6 and the Kdramas have reached episode 10-13. There are some dramas that have started later or earlier but I thought that I'd talk about my impressions on the dramas I'm keeping up with. I was going to do a first impressions kinda thing but I realized that was a little hard since I was still picking up and dropping dramas. If you check out the list on the side to see my current watchlist, you will notice that there have been some changes to my current watchlist from my previous post because certain dramas have been dropped due to various reasons. Mainly: they're boring.
So I have decided to drop Yorozu Uranaidokoro Onmyoya e Yokoso, Toshi Densetsu no Onna 2, and Dokushin Kizoku. Ando Loyd was on the line for me because of the whack plotline but I decided to stick with it because the OTP is too cute.
I started to watch Mirae's Choice and dropped is because it got boring. I actually finished Secret, which ended like last week. It was a pretty good drama but I pretty much fast forwarded it. I also started to watch Heirs but the OTP was not for me so now I'm just watching recaps. Now, I know everyone in the whole world loves Heirs and it might sound surprising but I'm not really a big fan of Park Shin Hye. Her voice kinda annoys me and her eye-widening overacting just makes me cringe. I like her, but not as an actress. ALSO, she and Lee Min Ho have no chemistry whatsoever. Now let me tell you something surprising: my favourite character is Rachel. Don't kill me but somehow I have a soft spot for evil characters lol.
Whatever, let's get started on the actual impressions after the jump! ;)