Monday, November 25, 2013

2013 Fall Season Midway Impressions

HIHI!! So it's about the halfway mark of the fall season dramas. Most of the Jdramas have reached episode 5-6 and the Kdramas have reached episode 10-13. There are some dramas that have started later or earlier but I thought that I'd talk about my impressions on the dramas I'm keeping up with. I was going to do a first impressions kinda thing but I realized that was a little hard since I was still picking up and dropping dramas. If you check out the list on the side to see my current watchlist, you will notice that there have been some changes to my current watchlist from my previous post because certain dramas have been dropped due to various reasons. Mainly: they're boring.

So I have decided to drop Yorozu Uranaidokoro Onmyoya e Yokoso, Toshi Densetsu no Onna 2, and Dokushin Kizoku. Ando Loyd was on the line for me because of the whack plotline but I decided to stick with it because the OTP is too cute.

I started to watch Mirae's Choice and dropped is because it got boring. I actually finished Secret, which ended like last week. It was a pretty good drama but I pretty much fast forwarded it. I also started to watch Heirs but the OTP was not for me so now I'm just watching recaps. Now, I know everyone in the whole world loves Heirs and it might sound surprising but I'm not really a big fan of Park Shin Hye. Her voice kinda annoys me and her eye-widening overacting just makes me cringe. I like her, but not as an actress. ALSO, she and Lee Min Ho have no chemistry whatsoever. Now let me tell you something surprising: my favourite character is Rachel. Don't kill me but somehow I have a soft spot for evil characters lol.

Whatever, let's get started on the actual impressions after the jump! ;)

P.S. I'm simultaneously watching Aibou 11 & 12, but I'm not going to talk about them because I really have nothing to say except that Narimiya Hiroki is the cutest thing ever. Also the mysteries are all solid :)

Umi No Ue No Shinryoujo


This drama is so so so good. It's really repetitive but somehow it works for me. The OTP is absolutely perfect and I am just waiting for them to get together. I must admit my huge bias though because Matsuda Shota and Takei Emi are some of my favourite actors. But aside from that, the thing that I love the most about this drama is the cinematography. Seriously the view of the sea and the islands are so beautiful. The whole colour scheme of this drama is just so nice and bright. I also love how there is a kind of mystery to this drama. All in all this drama is just so funny! I won't spoil anything so you guys should go and watch this drama right now!

Tokyo Bandwagon

Okay, can we just all take a minute of silence to acknowledge how cute Kame is? Kame was always cute but this drama made me fall in love with him on a whole new level. Whenever I see his in love face towards Tabe's character, I just melt. Tabe is also amazingly cute in this drama. Her hairstyle really suits her in this drama and I'm just so blessed to have so many dramas where I love the leads <3 This is a feel-good family drama that will seriously touch your heart. All the family members are so cute, especially the grandfather!

Hard Nut!

SOOOOOO, I picked this drama up. It premiered a little bit later than the other ones but I can say this is my absolute favourite on this season. Gosh, Kengo Kora and Ai Hashimoto are so cute together! They are both uber good-looking. I am actually starting to like math more because of this drama, which means A LOT. Ai Hashimoto plays a very eccentric character and it's perfect for her. I really can't wait until the OTP ship sets sail, especially since the preview for the next episode shows a LOVE TRIANGLE! It's obvious Ai's character likes Kengo's but he hasn't shown any interest yet. I hope the addition of competition will get him moving :D <3<3<3

Legal High 2

There isn't much to say about Legal High 2 because its just SO GOOD. It just got exciting last episode after Sakai's character fired Aragaki's character. I'm so excited for the final trial that was introduced in episode one! Also, I am confused on so many levels about Aragaki's character's true feelings. Who does she really like? 

Ando Lloyd - A.I. Knows Love ?

*Sigh* Kimutaku. You know when you like an actor so much you hate to see them be unsuccessful? I understand that everyone has hits and misses but Kimutaku was all hits until this drama. The ratings are pretty bad but moreover the drama is just bad. I wanted to drop is after episode one but I decided to stick to it because of the pairing. Honestly, I skip everything except for the OTP moments. Now that I'm like 6 episodes into it I think I'm just gonna stick it out to the very end. 

Otto No Kanojo

So I picked this drama up after reading news about the super low ratings. I read the plot and I actually liked it so I began to watch it. Surprisingly, it's actually very enjoyable! This drama has made me start to love Kawaguchi Haruna <3 I am now in the midst of watching all her stuff lol. I love the misunderstanding in this drama but it finally got resolved last episode. Now, the lead characters can finally work towards switching back their bodies. 


  1. you dropped Yorozu Uranaidokoro Onmyoya e Yokoso, really?! I love this drama, i think its the best this fall despite the rating. I love the character and love the premise of this drama. There is a lot of mystery element in this.
    Tokyo Bandwagon is great but Kami's dad who goes on saying 'its love...its love' was really getting on my nerve so i dropped it. But i love Kami, might watch it later :/
    Ando Llyod is silly and bit cheezy at times, with its bad graphic, didn't bother to watch after ep 1
    Hard Nut is good. Still watchin it :)

    1. Hi! Yeah i actually dropped Yorozu in the beginning of the drama, but maybe I'll start watching it again since you said it was good :) Tokyo Bandwagon is actually starting to get a little slow for me as well, but Kame is so cute and i like Tabe too so i kept on watching lol

  2. I donno, Yorosu was really refreshing for me. I though Nishikido was different and really good with his acting. So far i have watched will epi 5 and i loved all of them. I think there are mysteries surrounding the character themselves, which i think is very interesting. Please do watch :) ho ho ho

    1. I love it when there are mysteries surrounding the characters themselves! I'll wait til its over and marathon it :) Thanks!
