Okay, so I know this news is pretty old for anyone who follows these mangas avidly. In fact, I watched them like ages ago, but I just really wanted to write about them!
First off, these trailers are both amazing! I rewatched both of them like 500 times (literally no exaggeration, I spent like 20 minutes clicking the replay button). It might seem like I have a lot of time on my hands, but WHATEVER.
Anyways, both of these are based off of popular mangas. I know manga fans often hate live action movies, but I'm okay with them if they are done right. I am a huge manga reader and I also love live action movies if they turn out okay. Some of my all time favourite movies are based off of mangas. Like Kimi Ni Todoke, High School Debut (such a silly movie), Kyo Koi Wo Hajimemasu, and of course Rurouni Kenshin! I love them all despite the bad pacing in some of them. I guess you could say I'm not really picky if they have the right casts.
So I'm about to get a little sidetracked BUT I have a gripe I MUST talk about. I read all sorts of mangas, but you will for sure know this if you read Shoujo. Ao Haru Ride is a manga that I've been following since last year. Sakisaka Io is my favourite manga artist in terms of drawing. Anyways, so I love love love that manga, and then I find out theres going to be a live action. So of course I'm super excited. But then I see the casting and I'm just like -_- If you don't read this manga, just skip on ahead. But if you do read it and still haven't seen the live action cast, then click here and here. Tbh, I don't have a problem with any problems with the casting except for the LEADS. WHICH IS LIKE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. I looooove Tsubasa Honda, but she just does not fit Futaba and any hairstyle other than short. And as for Higashide Masahiro, I find him super good-looking but a lil too old. Sigh.... WHATEVER, I'm still gonna watch it.
Back to this post, I'll talk about Sukitte Ii Na Yo's trailer first! Here it is!
So this trailer is just perfect to me. FIRST OF ALL PLEASE DON'T KILL ME BUT I HAVENT CAUGHT UP WITH THE MANGA YET. Okay, I started the manga last year, but I stopped halfway. Honestly, I'm not a fan of the drawings, but I still read it because the story seemed so cute and unique. However, I have decided to re-read it after watching this AMAZING TRAILER.
I'm not familiar with the other characters, but I know that the leads are perfectly cast! And that's only because Fukushi Sota and Kawaguchi Haruna are two of my favourite actors. They are just beautiful together. And they have chemistry too! That is the most important thing!
I also have to add that they used an One Direction song throughout this whole trailer. And it didn't feel weird at all. In fact, I fell in love with it and it's now the only One Direction song in my iPod. I like their songs, but I just never loved them to a point where I had to download it.
So basically, I feel like it's gonna take an eternity for this movie to finally reach my eyes because it's being released in July plus the time it'll take to reach DVD plus the time it'll take to be subbed. So basically, I'm gonna be an old woman by then. Sorry I know I exaggerate too much.
Now, onto Rurouni Kenshin!
So. Um. I really have nothing to say about this trailer other than Omg omg omg omg omgomgomgogomomomgomgomgomgogmogmogmogm I cant believe it i just cant believe it im so excited for this omg Takei Emi and omg Sato Takeru omg that hug omg THE DOUBLE HUG. I'm dead SO DEAD OMG THIS MOVIE OMG LET ME WATCH NOW PLSPLSPLS WHY DO I LIVE SO FAR omgomg why i have to wait for so long nooooooooo.

So, if you watch this trailer, you'll see that theres two oh so beautiful hugs between my two biases. Also, there is some epic action and you can tell big bucks were spent on this. Well, the first movie was super successful soooooo YAY!
Also, if you want to keep up with Rurouni Kenshin news, head on over to Heckyeahruroken on tumblr!
And then the idiots cut the second hug out of the movie, stating that Kenshin wouldn't have had time to stop and see Kaoru before going to fight Shishio. Honestly... They'd better release it as a DVD extra.
ReplyDeleteI feel exactly the same! I was so disappointed when I heard it was going to be cut T.T
DeleteLike at least show it as a dream sequence or something lol. Lets pray together and hope it gets released as an extra :D