Friday, June 06, 2014

Kang Sora Impresses In Doctor Stranger

So I've been following Doctor Stranger since last week, and it has given me one hell of a ride in a short time span. It began with me skipping the first two episodes and then marathoning the rest. I marathoned 4 episodes and loved those 4 episodes. Then came the week to week watching. The first week of episodes 7 and 8 just tugged on my heartstrings. And then this week, things turned kind of messy.

I know there is a huge shipping war going on with this drama so I need to get my stance straight. My favourite character is Soo Hyun. My OTP of this drama is definitely Park Hoon and Soo Hyun, but with the recent undevelopments, I have decided to halt that OTP to prevent further sadness on my part.

Before I get into why I love Kang Sora so much, I just want to comment on how interesting it is that there is a female lead war right now. From how I see it, most of the shipping wars are between the male lead and that occasional wonderful and sweet second male lead (Chilbongie T.T). I kind of a have a weird habit of shipping evil female seconds with the male leads so I was totally not surprised that I would like Soo Hyun better in this drama. I have no idea why I have such an affinity towards evil female characters (My favourite Heirs character: Rachel Yoo; I shipped her with Young Do). However, I was surprised that the majority of drama watchers this time were on board with me!

Why do I ship Soo Hyun with Park Hoon? Because they are unexpected and they have chemistry. Chemistry is absolutely the most important thing in an OTP couple. In fact, I wrote a whole long shpeal about it (read it here). To be frank, Jin Se Yeon and Park Hoon have no chemistry in my eyes. It's weird because I thought they would look so good together since they are both pretty gorgeous on their own. But together, it felt weird. I didn't want to root for them despite their undying love for each other.

Now with Soo Hyun, I see the chemistry with Park Hoon. Somehow, their dynamic is much more interesting to watch. Their unexpected pairing and relationship development might have also helped with their chemistry. Park Hoon is natural around Soo Hyun and Soo Hyun with him. Im not sure about other people, but during the time when I'm waiting for the next week of episodes to come out, I sort of create a storyline for the drama in my head. Basically, I just fantasize about scenes that I want the drama to have. For this drama, I wanted so bad for Park Hoon to fall in love with Soo Hyun as she heals him from his past pain. But yeah, it never goes the way I want so boohoo for me.

BEFORE you Park Hoon/Jae Hee shippers think, "What a biased girl," I need you guys to know that I pretty much hated Kang Sora before. There are only a select few actors and actresses that I've changed my feelings toward. Just to name a few:
Hwang Jung Eum - I seriously used to hate her because of her past in an idol group. If you search up interviews with her in it, you'll see how bitchy and desperate she was to be popular. She left because she wasn't the most popular in the group. Anyhow, I just had this super bad image of her but then I watched Secret Love (FORCED BY MY FRIEND) and I fell in love with the drama, Ji Sung, and her. I watched her new interviews and I dunno I just like her now. 
Anyhow, back to my point: I used to hate Kang Sora. I first noticed her when I was watching my bias, Moon Chae Won, at an awards show, and saw that Sora had won a few awards. Also, she got more cheers than Chae Won, so I took note of her and did some brief research. I found out about the movie Sunny, and how big of a hit it was. Whatever, I forgot about her. And then Dream High 2 came along. I enjoyed the first season so I was like, eh, lets just watch the second season then. I started the drama and oh what a mess it was. Despite that mess, I quite enjoyed it. I first hated Sora because of her cockblocking character that ruined my Rian/JB pairing. Later on, I preferred Rian with Yoo Jin so I just totally forgot about Sora and JB's character. However, I did watch a few scenes and felt that Sora's character was totally pathetic for only following a man blindly.

That is basically how I came to dislike Kang Sora; It was due to her ultra annoying character in Dream High 2. I didn't watch WGM. I didn't watch Ugly Alert. I ignored everything she was in.

So when I watched Doctor Stranger and was marathoning the episodes, I was so surprised at her change. I just fell in love with her spunky character! Honestly, she is just a breath of fresh air in the drama full of hidden identities and medical malpractices. All in all, she is just a better actress than Jin Se Yeon because she's not boring to watch. Jin Se Yeon is so pretty yet so flat with her acting. Kang Sora is hands down my favourite character of this drama. It's a shame that she was so well developed in the beginning and then just got her scenes cut short because of some boring Park Hoon chasing down Jae Hee in their dangerous love. Yawn.

I'm sad that this drama is going downhill in terms of the storyline. I hope it will pick up in the next few weeks or so. But because of the mess of episode 9 and 10, I have decided to cancel my OTP and just focus on Soo Hyun. Park Hoon is getting very pathetic. I understand his deep love for Jae Hee, but focusing the whole drama on them trying to be together is such a bore to watch. I now want Soo Hyun to focus on herself and proving to others her doctor abilities. It's to a point where I don't even want scenes with her falling for Park Hoon. I even prefer her with Jae Joon because his story is pretty interesting as well.


  1. Good joob Chingu..
    First time I watch Kang Sora in Dream High 2..
    Yeah, I agree with u, the drama isn't good, not her acting bad but the story itself not good..
    then, I watch WGM, in here I start learning and love suju..
    Then, I watch Sunny, The first movie without loveline who I wacth..
    Then, I watch Ugly Alert not sub but I still can cry when they cry.. Daebak..
    and this year I watch Doctor stranger and I love ep 3-5.. her acting very good... she get praised by director and the author of doctor stranger novel...

    1. I agree! Her acting has always been good. But her drama choices havent been the best after Sunny. DH 2 was terrible. Doctor Stranger is so badly written but I just like her character here.

  2. I hate jin se yeon...i think kang sora better than her..i love kang sora n dissappointed coz she's not the lead ..she n lee jong suk suitable together..n hopely soo hyun will end up with jong suk..

    1. I was really hoping that she would be the lead too, but I dont think its going to happen at this point. I feel like most people think that way because Sora and Jong Suk has such good chemistry. I dont hate Jin Se Yeon but I just think that she's a little bland.
