Raise your hand if you cried watching episode 10 of Trot Lovers. You can't see me right now but I'm violently waving my hands in the air. Seeing how TL started off as such a funny romcom, I never thought I'd be crying already. If you haven't watched episode 10 yet, then I must warn you that there are a lot of spoilers after the jump. If you haven't watched Trot Lovers yet, then I hope you reconsider because this drama is just hitting all the right notes for me. That aside, if you did watch episode 10, then you are welcome to bawl with me after the jump.
Before this week, TL was just an average drama to me. It was fun and fluffy, but it didn't pull me in emotionally. After watching episode 10, I feel like this drama has sneakily grabbed me from behind and pulled me into its gut wrenching developments. Before I completely cry a river about the ending, there are several reasons as to why I fell in love with this drama and I want to point them out.

This might sound weird but I actually don't like any of the characters in this drama. I don't dislike them, but I don't like them either. They all give off a very typical and neutral feeling, which isn't always a bad thing. Rather, it's all the characters together and influencing each other that evokes stronger feelings in me. Chun Hee and Joon Hyun are typical stock characters, but together they emit a warm and cheery feeling with their natural personalities and how they feel for each other.
Soo In is also a reason why I like this drama. I know everyone is calling her bitchy and whatnot but I really like her for some reason. She is probably the most realistic character in this drama. Her jealousy towards Chun Hee is valid. I would feel the same way as her if I worked so hard for years and some random person with weird connections jumps in and gets all the fame. Although I wouldn't have done what she did, I can still understand her reasons at the time.
Side Note: Don't you just love how all the characters are so straightforward? Geun Woo confessed to Chun Hee, Soo In confessed to Geun Woo, and now Chun Hee and Joon Hyun are together. I applaud the drama for having such a brave and smooth get together of the leads. Also, Chun Hee totally earned my approval with her quick and straight to the point rejection to Geun Woo.

Good acting is important, but the amazing OST is what really made me start tearing up. So to end off, let me bring you my 2 favourite songs from TL's OST so far.
GB9 - Remember Me:
Beige - Be Opposite:
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