Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Zero No Shinjitsu First Impressions (Ep 1-2)

When I found out Takei Emi was starring in a new drama, I was pretty excited. What can I say? She is my bias after all. But I have to admit I was disappointed when I saw the premise of the drama. 

Despite my infinite love for Emi-chan, I find that most of the dramas she chooses are pretty bland. Otenki Oneesan and Senryokugai Sousakan both felt pretty lackluster in terms of writing but they were still entertaining to watch. Still, I always stick through her dramas because there is something about her that makes me keep watching. 

A week after its premiere, I finally watched the first episode of Zero No Shinjitsu and immediately became intrigued. I'm not sure how many other dramas there are out there about autopsies, but this was my first and it was actually very interesting. One thing I love about Japanese detective dramas is that they always manage to find an unique field of study to connect to solving cases. It always manages to pull me in just like how I almost wanted to major in math after watching Hard Nuts! or become a physicist after Galileo. In this case, I know I don't want to become a medical examiner who examines dead bodies, but its still fun to watch.

Takei Emi plays Maou Matsumoto, a forensic medical examiner with an IQ of 150. She isn't interested in relationships, food, or men, and only focuses on her autopsies. It's another one of those typical eccentric characters you find in Jdramas. Her quirk is doing handstands against the walls as it helps her solve problems. I quite like Maou as a character because she knows what she wants and is straightforward to those around her.

As for the other characters, they have yet to develop their own story arc yet so I can't say much right now. One thing I can say is that Maya Miki is pretty hilarious and I've loved his performances since Legal High. Also, whats interesting is that Sasaki Kuranosuke, who played the weather girl otaku in Otenki Oneesan is also in this drama. It's quite funny to see him go from a funny uncle fan to a serious and no nonsense detective.

Anyhow, the first two episodes of Zero No Shinjitsu proved to me that you really should not judge a drama by the preview. I've always said the same about synopsis but I guess I don't even follow what I saw sometimes lol. If you're into the mystery type Jdramas, I recommend this drama. It's pretty good from what I see so far.

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