Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta (Review)

I recently watched a Jdrama called "Taesetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta" which is the longest freakin title ever. It means "I Learned All The Important Things From You." I still cannot pronounce it to this day. It aired around January in 2011 and it stars Miura Haruma (EEEEP!!) and Toda Erika as its leads. 

Here is the plot line taken from Dramawiki which is taken from Tokyograph since I'm too lazy to write my own:
  • Toda and Miura play two teachers, Natsumi Uemura and Shuji Kashiwagi, at the same high school who are set to get married in half a year. However, the night before the school year's opening ceremony, Shuji becomes involved with the young Hikari Saeki (played by Takei Emi), without realizing that she will be a student in his class starting the next day. As Shuji struggles to help Hikari deal with the mental complex she is suffering from, he is also torn inside by his betrayal of Natsumi. Meanwhile, Hikari attempts to get closer to Natsumi, driven by feelings of jealousy and a desire to destroy the couple's relationship. 

Right after reading the synopsis I knew that I would not be shipping the Natsumi and Shuji together. For some reason in most dramas like this with the third girl or whatever I always end up liking them better. It's not that I love all antagonists but for some reason I dislike watching dramas where the two main leads are already together. I'd much rather watch the process of them falling in love instead of them already being in love. Weird? I unno.

Cast & Characters

I discovered Takei Emi through this drama and now she's kind of like one of my biases. Although her acting isn't superb in some of her other dramas, she totally won me over in this one. Plus she's just super pretty. Her depiction of Hikari is very believable. If you just read the plot you will probably think that Hikari is a bitch but in the actual drama it is completely different. At first I also thought she was a little bit psychotic but then as her character developed, I learned why she did what she did and I began to root for her full on. 

I knew Toda Erika from Liar Game but I have yet to watch it. I think she is so pretty and this shot of her in a wedding dress was gorgeous :D I'm not sure why but in this drama she looked too mature?, which I actually didn't like at all. I know that they are playing teachers but I only watched it because they were young. Don't get me wrong I really like Toda Erika but she feels too mature compared to Haruma, who looks like a cute lil dumpling >.<

Miura Haruma is just always looking fresh and I loved his facial expressions in this drama. I remember watching Kimi Ni Todoke and kind of spazzing whenever he smiled. His smile is just super adorable. The expression I loved the most in this drama was whenever he would peek at Hikari when he's teaching. It's not the peeking kind of peeking but rather the worrying kind. 

OST (Soundtrack)

The soundtrack was also amazing. Something weird was that they used a ton of P!nk songs. And when I say a ton I mean like 12 songs by P!nk in one drama. It was used perfectly in terms of melody but since I knew the meaning of the lyrics, some of the music placement felt awkward. Now I am going to talk about the best song in the world. It's actually more like background music but it is beautiful. It's called the "Prelude" (Link) and OMGEE IT IS JUST GORGEOUS, SENSATIONAL, EXTRAVAGANT. No, seriously I listen to it every night and just hearing the song gives me heartbreaks because I know exactly when it was played and I still feel bitter about the ending -.- 

Review & Thoughts

Now lets get on to the actual dorama. Obviously I really liked it but the ending kinda broke my heart. This would've been my absolute favourite Jdrama if it weren't for the ending. Actually it wasn't the ending, it was who ended up together. Other then that I really loved this drama. the cinematography is amazing and the hue of the whole drama felt fresh and clean. I totally recommend this drama to someone who wants to watch something new and interesting. The interesting and twisted plot is what pulls you in but the constant surprises and characters are what keep you interested. I have rewatched this drama like a thousand times. When I rewatch though I only watch the episodes I feel like watching. 


This otp seriously kills me because they have so much chemistry. Haruma and Takei have so much more chemistry than Haruma and Erika. I was rooting for them so hard even though I knew who would end up together in the beginning. After all, Toda Erika and Miura Haruma were the leads. But seriously up until the last episode I still felt butterflies and spazzed so hard whenever they had scenes together. They had alot of scenes together. I feel like the writer was tricking people into believing that Hikaru and Shuji were going to end up together. It felt like that up until the very end, like literally 2 minutes at the end they still had a scene together. I won't spoil the scenes but it broke my heart. (I wouldve sobbed like a baby but for some reasons its really hard for me to cry here since I knew the freakin ending -.-) Whenever I rewatch it I just watch it up to their scene and then shut the video. It kind of brainwashes myself into believing that they did end up together lol. 
In the drama Shuji doesn't have any romantic feelings for her and just cares about her but I would call that bull. He does not treat his other students like the way he treats her. Shuji tells Hikari things so personal that its impossible to think of them as just a teacher and a student. And Hikari is so in love with Shuji that she would do anything for him. She gave up many things so that Shuji wouldn't have a stressful time at school even though that would've meant  getting bullied herself. I don't know if its just because I skipped all of their scenes but Natsumi didn't do much for Shuji. 


I will die with this ship.


  1. Even though I only saw bits and pieces of this drama after the first couple episodes, I'm mostly impressed with Takei Emi (Hikari) and the array of emotions she can display. I honestly think she can go far in the industry, and seems like with all the leading roles she's getting, she is already on her way! Same on the ship between the teacher and student... everytime Shuuji is supposed to make a choice, he chooses to be with Hikari (so misleading -_-)

    1. Yes! i totally agree :D
      Even though i didnt really like the ending, i thought it was more realistic that way. You should finish it! :) And yes, i hope to see more of Emi as well. Im hoping that she will take on more serious roles in the future!

  2. Just finished watching the first episode. I guess I wanted Hikaru to end up with Shuji the second I laid eyes on the pair because of Clinic by the Sea. But I don't get what you mean when you want the third girl to end up with the main guy instead.

    1. My bad, I meant to say I totally got what you meant...

    2. Haha! I'm watching clinic on the sea right now too and I love it! Thanks for the comment :)

    3. clinic on the sea is the best.....takei emi is my gf...hhahahha

  3. oh no., i was going to watch this drama, right after i kinda want to watch another miura drama. i read the synopsis, and im exactly like u, before i even click ep 1, just by reading the synopsis, i want shuji to ended up w/Hikari. i also against the idea to ship the couple that already being a couple since the beginning. i want to see the "process" and many ups and down, i want to see many spectacles and things that will lead up to make them a couple. not the steady couple even w/the third person, if it eventually going to ended up as the same couple, im going to pass.

    1. I totally agree! I'm so surprised that there was someone else who thought exactly the same as me lol. Before watching the drama, I already knew that Shuji wasn't going to end up with Hikari, but I still ended up watching it to see what it was going to be about. Honestly, this drama made me think a lot and it still lingers in my mind even though I watched it a long time ago. It's a very good drama that will move you and bring new thoughts into your mind. Despite the fact that the OTP didn't end up together, they still had a lot of moments. I would even argue that there were more Hikari/Shuji scenes then him with Natsumi. So I think that if you have the time, you should still try watching this drama. You could also just do what I did and stop at their last scene together to brainwash yourself that they did end up together. Lol it actually works. Anyhow, thanks for the comment :D

  4. Nice review although I have to disagree with this last sentence "but Natsumi didn't do much for Shuji". Natsumi did a lot for him, she initiated the break-up when she knew that he was wavering. She trusted Shuji and even accepted him despite the 'affair' (which didn't really happen) which was a martyr move on her part but because she trusted him, it ended up being a noble decision. She understood him no matter what happened and she waited for him.

    1. I agree with you haha. I must admit I was a little bit too biased and childish in writing this 'review' (not really a review, more like rambling). What I wanted to say was that Shuji's life changed for the better because of Hikari, and that even though Natsumi was always there waiting for him and willing to understand him, this whole change in Shuji was brought about by Hikari. I don't think Hikari did loads for Shuji because it was her that created the main problem, but she did change him and cause his transition that was seen throughout this whole drama. But yeah, Natsumi did do quite a lot in sacrificing her pride and more just because of her love for him.

  5. I'm glad someone likes Prelude as much as me! I have to say though, Porno graffiti's EXIT hits me in the feels a lot harder (the ending). This was my first drama I watched, since I heard it was good for those studying Japanese, and I loved it to bits. Way better than the crappy anime I used to watch. I hope this is anonymous because I'm going to admit I now have a little man-crush on Miuraaa <333 :)

    1. Well, it was quite cringy when p!nk was singing about homeless kids while Shuji and Natsumi were having a moment, but other than that, I'm so happy I watched this. I don't think I'm exaggerating to say it's the best show I've ever watched! :'D

    2. Agree! This is probably my favourite J-dorama of all time! The OST and Prelude in particular are some of my favourite instrumentals :D Also, I totally feel you, I've had a huge crush on Miura Haruma for like 4 years lol!

    3. Do you recommend any other j-dorama like this? I really loved this style of something romantic but still believable and heart-wrenching :) Preferably something that miura/toda/emi stars in? ^-^

    4. Unforunately, there's not a lot of dramas like this one :( But if you want a Dorama thats somewhat romantic and heartwarming, I would recommend watching "Orange Days" or "Q10" if you haven't watched them yet! They are two of my favourite dramas :) Orange Days was an especially impactful slice of life drama and Q10 will really give you a bittersweet feeling.

      Also, I've been meaning to watch the movie "Days With You" starring Toda Erika. I haven't watched it yet but since it seems to fit your criteria, you should definitely check it out :D

  6. just discovered takei emi recently. and wow after finishing it, i feel tat i must read the review. ya seriously i ship hikari x shuji and also i do know who will end up together. tat said i feel this is the approriate ending. just like slam dunk. the most beautiful thing dun alway end up being the happy ending

    1. Wow! Slam Dunk is my favourite manga and I really loved the ending because of how realistic it is. Just because they didn't win, doesn't mean that they didn't work hard to get to where they were :) And despite the ending of this drama, what the viewer feels is true will be most important imo.

    2. no more review? Fragile is looking good but i feel it going down

    3. Probably not anytime soon because of school :( I'm itching to write about a lot of dramas including Fragile. It's pretty good but I've fallen behind recently due to a lack of interest.

  7. I found this in a list of good Jdrama and I watched the episodes with growing interest and found it very compelling. I actually worked out the explanation before it was revealed and yet it didn't spoil things. I agree that all the actors did a great job. I ship the teachers as a couple but I also thought Saeki and Shuji were a great couple.If anything three things impacted the most - I've yet to watch the last two episodes, so my feelings may change - 1/ Shuji hides what his feelings are (even from himself?) and although it helps the plot be mysterious, it becomes annoying and unsatisfying. It never really becomes clear what specificly prevents Natsumi and Shuji from getting back together, even after he says he wants to support Saeki, and I think these two still love each other. 2/ The supporting students are wonderful characters. 3/The pink OST completely jarred for me. I know there is a baseball connection but still feel american music was culturally inappropriate, also it quickly turned into cliche for the track about the president to be repeated at every sad moment.

  8. So now I finished I have to add I love the scenes of the train journey and their parting is sweet, touching but also sad in a redemptive way.Kodama character is just so adorable! he clearly cares for his friend Saeki and Sonoda's advice to him "Make sure you reply to her. Put all your heart into your message" was wonderful! I will not give away the ending other than to say that ***** track again! The acting throughout has been amazing and the two females Emi Takei and Erica Toda are really beautiful and so perfect for their characters. Pretty much every issue in this drama is resolved by clever and heart-felt plotting that feels authentic and satisfying. Why then did I want to cry so much and not face the finale? This amazing drama is in my top five favourites.
