Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sprout (Review)

Yaho! So I watched Sprout a month ago and I decided to write about it. Honestly I overall really enjoyed this drama even though it was in reality horrible and stupid.

To be quite honest I wasn't going to watch it. I was re-watching the Princess' Man on Dramacrazy and this was a featured drama on the top of the page. Looking at the poster I never analyzed it and I thought the top two characters on the poster was going to be the leads. I'm kinda shallow and I only watch dramas if the leads are good looking so ya. I thought the guy looked cute and the girl looked cute too! But when I started it I realized that I read the poster wrong lol. Anyways, before I get into any more details here is a synopsis from Asianwiki since there was none on Dramawiki. It was really long so I cut a few parts. It contains a few spoilers but they aren't too important in the story. Honestly all you need to read is the first paragraph but I'll include it all just in case :)
  • 3 months ago. Miku (Aoi Morikawa) became sick and couldn't do anything, but sit on the stairs of a playground at her school. At that time, a male student took her to the school infirmary. Miku fell in love with the boy, even though she never saw his face. The only thing Miku can recall of the boy is the touch of his hand. Miku believes that boy is part of her fate. Later, a popular male student Souhei (Yuri Chinen) then comes to see her and tells her that he will be staying at her home. Miku complains to her parents that she doesn't want strangers staying with them, but plans have already been made. Besides Souhei, three other people will stay in their home which will now double as a boarding home. The other two people moving in is a female college student and a male college student. Miku isn't happy with the situation at all. After a few incidents, Miku finds out that Souhei is in fact the male student that helped her 3 months ago, but then it turns out that he has a girlfriend.
After reading the synopsis I'm sure you guys are thinking "WTF?" right? I would understand since a storyline about a girl falling in love with a guy she doesn't even know is really stupid. KEEP IN MIND however that this is based on a manga, and if your a manga reader then you have already encountered these ridiculous and totally unrealistic storylines before. Somehow its normal for girls to just fall in love within a day or fall in love with a touch of hands. Even though it seems so stupid, I am telling you that Miku is obsessed with the hand thing.

Cast & Characters

Aoi Morikawa plays Miku and to be honest her acting is very cringe worthy. Sometimes her voice and actions seem so fake. Actually all of the acting in this drama is just horrid (aside from the parents of course) But I would have to say that Aoi's performance was the worst. There was countless times where I just shivered and turned away my head in secondhand embarrassment. Despite that, this is the first time I have seen her in a drama so shes a new face to me. Hopefully in the future her acting improves. Truthfully saying I think it should improve considering how horrible she was in this drama. 

CHINEN YUUUURI. I swear I am not sexist! but Chinen playing Souhei was the best choice evvvarrr! Aside from his cuteness, his smile just lights up the whole wide woooorld. Even though his acting was also very bad, I enjoyed seeing him convey Souhei's thoughts through his expressions, especially when Souhei was jealous. Anyways, I found out about Chinen after this drama and I decided to follow him :) He is in a popular boyband called Hey! Say! Jump! They sing the opening song to the drama. Overall he was probably my favourite in this drama not in terms of acting though. He's just cute, that's all. A little short, but cute.

Since I already said that every one's acting is horrible in this drama, I'll just stop saying that for now. Anyways, his name is Jesse Lewis and he plays Hayato, the boy who likes Miku. He's pretty good looking and wayyyy taller compared to Chinen lol. Although his acting was awkward, the biggest flaw was that he kind of felt flat, like he had no personality. He is also in a boyband but I never bothered to search up which one. Just type his name and you'll probably find it. 

Kojima Fujiko plays Miyuki, Souhei's girlfriend. This is the first time I've seen her but she is really pretty. She reminds me of the evil girl in Nobuta Wo Produce. I've probably mentioned that the acting in this drama is pretty bad but in the four leads I think that Kojima is probably the best one out of the four.

OST (Soundtrack)

Oh my gosh the OST in this drama is reallly reaaaaallllly good! It might not be for everybody since all the songs are from the same group and in the genre Indie. I personally love Indie music so I enjoyed the music a lot. Songs from dramas just have so much more emotion in them since you follow along with the storyline and can just feel the characters emotions (most of the time) The songs in this drama are by the group, Grouplove, and it is just amazing. I highly recommend checking out "Betty's a Bombshell" by them, it has been on repeat forever. The opening song to this show is by Hey! Say! Jump! and it sounds pretty cute but I never bothered to search it up. 

Review & Thoughts

Even though it may sound like I hated this drama, I actually really loved it. I have re watched it like 4 times. The acting is still bad and the kiss scenes are just plain weird but this drama gives off a fresh kind of feeling. Watching it makes me feel like its summer and I just get this fresh feeling. It is a very nostalgic drama to me. I do recommend for people to watch it because I really enjoyed it. Sometimes a drama may not technically be "good" but I would still like it a lot. 

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