Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kimi Ni Todoke (Review)

Kimi Ni Todoke. This movie makes my heart flutter no matter how many times I watch it. It truly is more than just a live action film adapted from a shoujo manga. This movie is so pure and innocent. It's not only about romance but about making friends and growing up. 

First off, I swear this movie is the most beautiful Jmovie I have ever seen. The cinematography is breathtaking and the settings are amazing. Also, the music just tugs on my heart strings. If I were to only use one word to describe this movie, it would be fresh. This movie is so fresh and makes me feel so many different emotions. I recommend this to everyone.


Here is the plot from Wikipedia! I wanted to write my own recap/plot summary but I didn't have the time. 
Sawako Kuronuma, called Sadako by her classmates for her resemblance to the character from The Ring, has always been feared and misunderstood because of her appearance. There are rumors that when one stared into Sawako's eyes for more than three seconds, bad luck will befall the person. However, despite her appearances, she is a sweet and timid girl who longs to be able to make friends with everyone and be liked by everyone else. Shota Kazehaya, on the other hand, is an outgoing student who is popular with his schoolmates. When Kazehaya, begins talking with her, everything changes. She finds herself in a new world, trying to make friends and talking to different people. Slowly, but surely, a sweet love blossoms between the two as they overcome circumstances and obstacles that stand in their way.

Cast & Characters

The cast is perfect. It truly is. This is my first ever Jmovie and allowed me to discover Miura Haruma, my top bias in the whole wide world, and also Mikako Tabe, who is just perfect for this role. Honestly, the cast is so well fit and they couldn't have done better. 

Tabe Mikako plays the perfect Sawako, or also known as Sadako sometimes. At first I thought that she looked very average, but after a while, she really warmed up to me and I found myself liking her more and more. By the end up the movie, I found myself nodding in agreement because she was just so perfect for this part. I can't think of anyone who could play a better Sawako. She portrays the innocence and genuine kindness of Sawako perfectly. I feel like I've said the word 'perfect' a thousand times, but it really is true. 

Miura Haruma. Again, this is the movie that made me discover Miura Haruma. Honestly, at first I thought he looked average as well, because I wasn't into Japanese culture that much and his feminine looks kind of caught me off guard. But throughout the movie, in every scene I found myself staring, bewildered at how amazing his smile was and how his every facial expression managed to make me jump. I feel really cliche right now but inside of fangirling like I normally do about my reviews, Kimi Ni Todoke deserves a serious review. 

I won't talk about the other characters but they were really well played as well. Especially Misako Renbutsu, who plays an excellent Chizuru Yoshida. Im also currently watching her in Sennyu Tantei Tokage and loving her more and more. 

Thoughts & Feelings

I HATE LITERALLY FIVE BUCKETS FULL OF FEELINGS FOR THIS MOVIE. The friendship part of this movie really made me feel warm and giddy inside. I love the friendship between Yano, Yoshida, and Sawako. They are all so innocent when they're together! :D Watching Sawako make friends and seeing her care about them is very touching. As I said, this movie is a movie that will bring out all your emotions. 

You all have to watch it! This movie is 5/5 for me. Im no critic but I know a good movie when I see one. There are really bad movies that I still watch and enjoy but this is a movie that was good AND enjoyable. In fact, it was way more than enjoyable. This move really changed me, and it also introduced me to Japanese culture, which is why it will always have a special place in my heart. Whether this movie is your first Jmovie or your 700th one, it will manage to stand out. Although its a bit slow at times, thats what makes it so beautiful. The pace is perfect and the development of the characters are all equal. From Kazehaya, the bright fresh boy, to Sawako, a quiet and timid girl misunderstood by everyone. 

And lastly, this movie is beautiful to just watch. I mentioned about the beautiful scenery before but I just NEED to say it again. The cherry blossom scenes, the night scenes are all SOOOOO pretty ! <3<3


Here are some of the moments that made me "AWWWW" the most!

The Roof Scene. The roof scene is where Sawako, Yoshida, and Yano become true friends after overcoming a horrible rumour. This scene was so touching. And the cinematography was amazing. Doesn't it make you jealous? I'm from Canada and my schools don't allow anyone to go on the roof. Sometimes I wish I was Japanese and went to school in Japan just so I could hang out on the truth. Im being honest here. No joking no sarcasm. I LOVE THE ROOF! I am so jealous, look at how many times they get to hang out on the roof?! AND THE VIEW LOOKS AMAZING!!!

The seat plan scene. This is a scene where the students get to change seat plans. This scene is touching because Sawako is usually avoided by the students and they all wish not to sit next to her. But in this scene, Kazehaya, along with Yano and Yoshida all pass the seating arrangements and sit next to Sawako. Its so cute because Sawako is so genuinely happy. Her scary expression is actually her feeling thankful for all of them. 


Japan's cherry blossoms are really no joke. I've seen them in almost every Dorama and have never gotten tired of them. There's just something so beautiful and calming about cherry blossoms blowing in the wind and landing to ground. Or in this case, in Sawako's hair! Look at that heart shaped petal? It's like perfect! Damn you perfect Japanese cherry blossoms! 

This is the scene at the horror challenge night festival. Sawako and Kazehaya are taking a short break and admiring the scene. The scene is really really beautiful. It wasn't even shot in Tokyo! Seriously my eyes are in love with this movie. 

OMG THIS FIELD. THIS FIELD!!! You guys probably don't know this but I have this strange liking towards big fields, especially ones beside highway bridges. I'm not particularly sure why but after watching this movie, along with High School Debut, I've just been obsessed with big fields. And its totally not fair because we don't have big fields from where I'm from, and Japan has beautiful parks freakin everywhere!! Not fair! I am so jealous! 

And finally, a Miura Haruma appreciation section. Do not tell me you didn't see this coming. Didn't I tell you guys he was my top bias?! :P

Look at that smile! Look at that knowing smile :D

Omg omg look at his face. Okay his hair is a little bit messy but he is still beautiful!

This is my favourite shot of him in the whole movie! Isn't his side profile to die for? Omg his jaw is perfect! And I also really love this lighting :D

I do not need to explain his perfect smile.

I do not need to explain his cute shyness.

Remember way back, like two pictures ago, when I said that was my favourite angle of Miura in the whole movie? Well I lied. This is my ALL TIME FAVOURITE ANGLE OF HARUHARU IN KIMI NI TODOKE!! He's beautiful.

And that is the end of my review/fangirling! Btw I don't really consider this a legit review. In fact all of my reviews aren't legit, its just me telling you guys how I feel about it. 

Anyways, be sure to watch the movie! If you haven't already, watch it here on Youtube!


I will leave you off with some super duper cute scenes! <3 <3

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