Sunday, June 09, 2013

High School Debut (Review)

High School Debut. I watched this movie a looooong time ago and I fell in love with it. Its playing right now in the background so I can take screenshots and I still love it. Its absolutely hilarious in a stupid way. The acting isn't great but it just adds to the ridiculousness! On the other hand it might not be funny at all to some people, which I have learned through showing it to a bunch of my friends.

Let's just be clear first, if you don't understand the humour you are not going to like it. If you are wanting to watch a movie with a quality plotline and amazeballs acting you are not going to like it. The plotline is ridiculous and so silly that you just want to slap your face sometimes. Its also filled with overused plot lines and cringeworthy moments. BUT I LOVE IT.

Look at this ridiculous scene!! :D

How I Met The Movie

This was way before I started getting so into Jdramas and such. I was a total Koreaboo before.

So I was just browsing around youtube and the movie appeared on my sidebar. Since I had started watching Jdrama, I really wanted to watch more jdramas and movies so I can fully submerge myself into it like I did with kpop and kdramas. I pressed part 1 and I watched the beginning. After watching ten minutes of utter stupidity I decided to not watch it.

But out of habit I just pressed the last part to see how the ending was. The ending was very cute, and they kissed so I was like "I should really just watch it" since Im a sucker for these kinda falling in love movies.

ANYWAYS, I decided to watch the whole thing and FELL IN LOVE. its so good and this led me to Mizobata Junpei!! I like the girl actress too but she hasn't been in much other dramas or movies. After finding Junpei here, I watched the all the Kudo Shinichi movies he was in which led me to Oguri Shun who used to play Kudo Shinichi. So basically this movie led me to Mizobata Junpei AND Oguri Shun. That is enough reason for why I love it so much. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3


Haruna is a girl who spent all of her junior high school days playing softball. She was really sporty and never did girly things like have a boyfriend and wear cute clothes. Now that shes in high school, she wants to become girly and more importantly find a boyfriend. Thus, she gives up softball and attempts to make her high school debut.

After failing to get hit on multiple times, she asks Yoh, a popular student at her school and someone she met by chance in town, to become her coach! Just like in softball! At first Yoh doesn't agree because he doesn't want anything to do with girls (since he had a tragic experience with a girl he dated, not really tragic lol) But after seeing Haruna'as perseverance  he decides to coach her.


Cast & Characters

Ito Ono plays Haruna Nagashima. She does a pretty good job because Haruna is such a ridiculous character. At first I thought she wasn't that good, face-wise. Yes I do look at looks, I am quite shallow actually, sorry. But after a while, she grew on me and she's super duper pretty. She's not model gorgeous but she's really really pretty, like the girl next door type of pretty. Aside from looks, I think Ito Ono is naturally funny. Seriously, I think she's naturally funny! I love her :D

Mizobata Junpei plays Yoh Komiya. You guys already know how much I love Junpei so I'm not going to fangirl over here again. Okay so when I first saw the movie the first time I wasn't into Japanese culture remember? so when I saw Junpei I thought his hair was really really weird. But even then I thought he was so awesome. Okay, again, looks aside, his acting was really good. He's more experienced than Ito which is why he is probably a better actor but then its hard to say because you never know how the cast is ordered to play their characters. And this movie isn't really one where you watch it for realistic acting because this movie is just ridiculous and unrealistic. I hope you guys realise that I've said ridiculous a hundred times already and that I mean it in a positive way. 

Yuki Furukawa plays Yui Asaoka. Okay so I was only going to introduce the main characters but I felt he need to show you Furukawa! He is just so stinkin' cute! Like look at him! LOOK AT HIM! He is beautiful. And also he plays a big catalyst in this movie and prompts Junpei's character to reveal his feelings. He is so cute so cute so cute. And right now he's playing Naoki in the second Japanese live drama adaptation of Itazura Na Kiss and its called Itazura Na Kiss Love in Tokyo. It is really good. I might do a review of it or something but the only thing that might stop me is the girl. The girl who plays Kotoko is kind of annoying. Don't get me wrong I like her but she exaggerates things. Anyways, I am not going to go into that much detail because there might be a separate review on it so keep an eye out! :D Furukawa is awesome! I still love Junpei more but Furukawa is still amazeballz!

Thoughts & Feelings

Okaay, so like I've said before, this movie is entertaining. This movie is entertaining and will make you laugh your head off if you get the humour. Also the cast is really really good. The characters are likeable and the colouring of the movie is really nice. But, if your a person who is looking to watch a good quality movie plot-wise, this is not for you. This is simply entertaining and I recommend it to anyone who wants to watch something fun. 

OST (Soundtrack)

There's a lot of good music in this movie but unfortunately the website only listed one song. I really couldn't believe it because all of the instrumentals were so good!! *sigh* so sad. I even shazammed the instrumental but couldn't find anything. Anyways, the one song they listed is called "Fallin' Love" by 7!! aka Seven Oops. The song really fits the movie and is super duper fun and upbeat! I really like it. In fact Im listening to it right now lol. Here's a video of the song. 

Final Thoughts

WATCH IT!!! All I have to say is that you have to watch it. I can't be sure if you will love it or hate it but you have to watch it to find out. Because there is a big chance that you will love it. Plus, Junpei's in it and he kisses a girl <3<3<3 Watch the movie here on youtube, theres more parts but here is part 1 ALSO, HERES SOME AMAZEBALLS SCREENCAPS. IM NOT SURE IF THEY'RE SPOILERS OR NOT BUT THEY ARE SO CUTE SO VIEW WITH YOUR OWN DISCRETION :D :D :D


  1. I watched this one a few times before. It's cute, light and funny. Nothing too complicated or dramatic like life is lol XD.
    Actually, it also brought me to the Asian drama world!! I loved it.

    I want to ask you a favor...I wanted to ask whether you know the name of the song in ep 8 of Otto No Kanojo?? I really want it~ *-*

  2. P.P.S. The manga is so fun by the way. I read it a few times!! I advise you to try it out. It will give more depth to the characters and the movie and in my opinion, it's much better than the movie in a lot of aspects. And the end of the movie actually reaches a chapter that is is still kinda in the beginning of the manga. and of course a lot of other awesome stuff was skipped to get to the ending...:(
    Anyways, give it a try and tell me whatcha think. :)

    Here is a link:

    1. Thank you so much for your comments !!
      I read the manga as well and I loved it. I like how this movie was so ridiculously funny and cute. As for Otto No Kanojo, I'm not really sure of the songs either. I found the track listing though, if that helps!

    2. Okaay!! Thanks. I will try to search the songs and hear them till I find the right one. :D
