Friday, June 14, 2013

Spotlight: Takei Emi

Okay, today I will be talking about Takei Emi. This is my first time doing this type of post so I'm just gonna call it a 101 kinda thing! Im really not sure what I'll be writing about but Im just gonna give you some info on Takei Emi, how I came to know her and why I love her so much <3 <3

Here is her wikipedia for basic info like birthday and hometown and other jazzy stuff :D

How We Met

She was probably the third Japanese actress that I actually got to know the name of. My first was Mikako Tabe because Kimi Ni Todoke was my first Jmovie (well technically Spirited Away was but that doesn't count since it was anime lol) And also High School Debut was my second Jmovie :D My first Jdorama was Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta  (I will never get used to that long name lol) Anyways that was the drama that completely sucked me into the Jdorama world. After that drama I watched SO MANY JDORAMAS LIKE MY LIST JUST GREW SO LONG.

Getting to the point. Taisetsu is where I first saw Takei Emi. If you've read my review on Taisetsu then you would know that when I first read the plot, I knew I would like the student more. I don't even know why, but I'm always attracted to the characters that people typically wouldn't like. Also, the fact that Miura Haruma and Toda Erika had no chemistry at all also played a part. Because seriously, Miura Haruma and Takei Emi had insane chemistry and they are still one of my top OTP's <3

Takei Emi blew me away in Taisetsu. To me, she just had that X factor about her. I watched Taisetsu all in one day and then I searched up all her dramas up. I haven't watched all of her dramas however but I did watch all the ones with her as the lead and also GOLD. I have yet to find a drama where she did as good as she did Taisetsu.

After watching Taisetsu, I read a blog post by Koalasplayground on Rurouni Kenshin and I watched that as well. I then watched Asuko March, Tokyo Zenryoku Shoujo, W no Higeki, and most recently Otenki Oneesan. I think I liked her so much from Taisetsu that I didn't even mind that all her other dramas weren't that good. Asuko March was really really good and enjoyable for me but if you look at it from a critical point of view, it technically sucked. The same with TZS and W no Higeki. Otenki Oneesan I thought was really good if you shared the same humour that the dorama had. I'm really biased towards Takei Emi so I liked her in all of them but I still admit that she's not the greatest actress. I think its the combination of her personality and her ability to convey emotions that made me like her so much that she's now my number one bias.

Why I Love Her

You guys all know I do look at physical appearance and the first thing that made me like her was her good looks. She doesn't look super gorgeous but I liked her pretty girl next door look. And her smile is really amazing :D

I started to watch her on variety shows and really liked her personality. Typically I like celebrities who are really open, laid back and have lots of friends but Emi was a bit different. I watched her on Arashi Share House and found out that she doesn't have a lot of celebrity friends because she likes to keep her work life and her personal life really really separate. This might just be the image that her company is pushing to the public, but she doesn't seem like the type to get into a scandal. And even if she was a past delinquent or something (WHICH I HIGHLY DOUBT) I wouldn't mind because I'm not really a big fan on the perfect goody two shoes type myself.

Also, Emi is a bit awkward. And she isn't really funny, but it's always cute to see her try. Like legit its super cute. I watched her on Arashi's VIP Limousine and she did this imitation of a commercial. Lol is was really really really funny how not funny it was. And I need to repeat again her smile :D


She has a few International fansites but a bunch of them are dead now. The only fansite that still updates regularly that I know of is (It's chinese btw!)



JPH!P Forum :

Chinese fansite :


  1. I love her too and it's true that she has good looks and that makes me watch her doramas and movies. I don't care if the plot is good/bad, as long as emi is on screen i watch it :)

  2. Me too. Emi alone is an attraction in her doramas and movies. If only she will play an antagonist role again just like in Taisetsuna, im pretty sure she can play it well or even surpass her acting in taisetsuna.

  3. Hello! I stumbled upon your blog when I google searched Takei Emi!!! I so adore her too!!! I started loving her too in Taisetsu na Koto! If you haven't seen Kurokawa no Techo, I greatly suggest to watch it since she did very well again there! I hope we could be friends and talk about Emi!!! :)
