Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Keizoku 2: SPEC (Review)

Maaan! I just finished watching Keizoku 2: SPEC and it was aaaahhhhmazing! This was a dorama that never made me bored! Since I just finished watching it, I definitely have a lot to talk about :D And also I want to share this super awesome drama with you guys!

This isn't an official review or anything so its not really organized like how I normally organize reviews. I'll just refer to it as SPEC in this post since its much easier to type.

If you want to know what SPEC is about, click here for the dramawiki and here for the asianwiki. It will kind of give you a general idea of what this dorama is about but from my personal experience, the synopsis' you read on the Internet is always misleading. Sometimes I watch a dorama because it sounds interesting, but most of the time I watch it because others have highly recommended it. This was the case for SPEC.

TBH, I've never super duper liked Toda Erika. I LOVED Liar Game and also Death Note. But Erika didn't wow me in those productions. Nonetheless I still really liked her. In Taisetsu however, she kind of disappointed me and I really disliked her character.  ANYWAYS, that's all old news because she totally wowed me and changed my views on her as an actress with this . I'm listening to the ending theme right now and currently downloading the movie. I finished the whole series and special today and it just really wowed me to the point that I HAD to write about it lol.

I just have to say that her Erika's character, Toma is amazing. One thing I love about Japanese detective dramas is that all the characters have some kind of strange and eccentric quirk or habit about them. In this case, Toma is a female detective who loves to eat gyoza with lots of garlic. when I say love, I mean LOOOVVVEEE! Like she literally eats so much. And the thing she does with the paper is always amazing. Some might think its a little repetitive but it seems natural and happens at different times each episode. It's sort of like what Yukawa does in Galileo but he got waaaayyyy too repetitive with it.

Also, tbh I saw this dorama a long time ago since I checked out all of Erika's doramas. But I didn't watch it because at that time I was only looking for doramas with romance and the dramawiki looked really really boring! (* WHICH IS A BIG REASON WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO WATCH A DRAMA FROM LOOKING AT JUST THE DESCRIPTION!!!)

Also, I'm going to admit my shallowness and say that when I was looking at the character profiles, Kase Ryo didn't look attractive to me. I TOTALLY REGRET MY SHALLOWNESS AND I NOW LOVE HIM. Honestly though, he wasn't my type of guy. I usually never like the manly and mature type but UGH this dorama killed me because he was so amazing! I love his seriousness and how Ryo portrayed him!

I would say this dorama is near perfect but there are just a few TEENY TINY things that I didn't like. Actually, there is only one reason. Sometimes the SPECS or special abilities that the characters have kind of set me off. Things like being psychic, telekinesis, or teleportation are okay for me because they seem kind of natural, in an unnatural way? LOL sorry I'm really bad at explaining. But some of the SPECS, like Erika's character's was a little too far unreal for me. It was mainly in the SP that things began having a little too much CG. But honestly it wasn't a big deal and it's probably only me who thinks this way. Some people might even like the special effects, idk.

Anyways, this drama is totally 10/10 !! I don't like to rank things a lot but this drama was really amazing so I had to rank it. I totally recommend you all to watch it! BUT!! If your looking for romance, you won't find any of that here. You'll just find tear-jerking and simply awe strucking chemistry and friendship between all of the characters. Its much deeper than just two characters falling in love <3

And I will end off with two words.



  1. Thanks! Just watch Taetisu and I dislike toda acting for a long time but she surprise me with kezokuspec. Just watch ep 1 yesterday. Seems surprising.

    1. I'm sure you'll love Toda after watching SPEC. I honestly like everything she's been in except for Taisetsu lol. If you haven't watched Liar Game yet, thats a good show I would recommend! Toda is amazing in it :D
