Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thank You (Review)

I really wasn't going to make a review for this drama, but since it ended up becoming one of my all time favourites, I figured I had to. This drama is just too great that I need to share it with everyone! Honestly, if I had to name my favourite Kdrama, this would be the one.

Let's start by reading the synopsis! I know I say this in every review but a synopsis is just something that gives you a general idea of a drama. I find that 99.386% of the time, the drama gives off a completely different feeling than the synopsis.

This is the one from Dramawiki with a few tweaks here and there:
Dr. Min Ki Seo (Jang Hyuk) went to Blue Island to fulfill his deceased girlfriend's last wish to find the single mother and her little girl who was infected by HIV and to apologize to them on her behalf as she had unknowingly given the girl tainted blood when she was being treated at the hospital. Lee Young Shin (Gong Hyo Jin), the single mom, was having a hard time caring for her grandfather who has Alzheimer's and keeping her daughter's HIV condition a secret while teaching her how to live with it. Min Ki Seo was an arrogant person who looked down on people and in meeting Lee Young Shin who accepted her fate and tried to make the best of it despite all odds, he slowly changed for the better and became a warm and caring person.

Cast & Characters

Gong Hyo Jin as Lee Young Shin. Lee Young Shin is a very hardworking character. When you watch the drama, you see that she is always smiling despite her difficulties. Her smile makes it seem like she's not having a hard time even when you know that she is. She doesn't easily accept other people's help, but is always generous and helpful to others. Also, she is really funny whenever she interacts with her grandpa and daughter. It's so amusing! I think Gong Hyo Jin did amazing in this drama. This is my absolute favourite drama from her. This was during her younger years and she looked perfect for the role. Her acting is as always super natural and really made me cry at times. All in all, she was AMAZINGGGG.

Jang Hyuk as Min Ki Seo. Okay, so most of you guys probably know Jang Hyuk. I normally like younger type guys since I'm younger but omg Jang Hyuk is just so good looking. The fact that he plays an arrogant swearing guy in this is just perfect. He looks perfect for that type of role :D This is the first ever drama I watched him in. TBH I only heard about him after the announcement for Iris 2 came out. But when I saw Iris 2's posters I thought he was really really ugly (not ugly, but I just didn't like older manlier guys). So when I watched this drama, I was like WOWOWOWOW. He blew me away. There's not too much to say about his character but I loved watching Min Ki Seo slowly start to change and care about Young Shin and her family. That was so cute I swear I died.

Seo Shin-ae as Lee Bom. Lee Bom is Young Shin's daughter. I heard that Shin-ae was a child model and appeared on commercials before this drama. This was her first ever drama but I have to say she did amazing. Her acting of Lee Bom totally just touched my heart and watching her interact with her mother is really healing. She is just too cute. I also love how she calls Jang Hyuk's character 'Ajhussi'

Shin Goo as Lee Byung-gook. 'Mr. Lee' and 'Grandfather' is what Bom and Young Shin calls him. Shin Goo plays a grandpa with Alzheimer's. Can I just say that a veteran actor is surely a veteran actor because Shin Goo did the best in this drama. He was amazing to the top. His acting totally pulled me in and made me believe he actually had Alzheimer's! I also love how his character call's Shin-ae's character 'bean paste.'

Review & Thoughts

What can I say about this drama? There are so many things to say. This drama gave me a feeling that I really cannot explain with words. It's a very good feeling. The best I can do is say that it really gives a warm feeling and touches your heart. When you watch the drama and see all the characters grow, you will grow with them. The whole setting of the drama and cinematography are all very neutral and give a very fresh feeling. the whole thing is set in a village. Differing from those dramas that are super colourful and show the most exciting scenes, Thank You is slow. But it is a very good kind of slow. All I can say is that this drama changed me and that I have already re-watched it numerous times. I think if a drama is re-watchable, then it has succeeded into becoming a favourite. I recommend this drama to everyone. Even if you're more of a fan of romantic comedy or a fan of suspense action types, this drama will give you a real slap in the face. The good kind of slap. Honestly, I never liked these kind of melodramas where the characters aren't super handsome and gorgeous. I always preferred rom-coms or revenge dramas but this one blew me away. I was surprised at how it became my favourite Kdrama.

OST (Soundtrack)

The OST consists of two main songs sung by Hun and various instrumental tracks. The instrumentals are pretty good and one of them was kinda weird lol. It fit the drama but there were like alien noises or something like outer space. I can't describe it but you'll know when you hear it. The songs by Hun are the best. My favourite is "Thank You" by Hun. Here is a video so give it a listen ^^


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