Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Drama OTP Chemistry

Okay so today's post is going to be a little bit different. In this post I'm going to be talking about CHEMISTRY! Noooope, not the subject you learn in school but the chemistry between people! More specifically, the chemistry between actors and actresses.

So I was re-watching Thank You since I loooooove it and it suddenly occurred to me that Gong Hyo Jin has really good chemistry with Jang Hyuk. And then it made me think how important chemistry is within a drama. If you're still confused as to what I mean when I say chemistry then I will gladly explain it to you. This is just my definition but chemistry between people is kind of a special bond. Not everyone has this special bond and it is heavily based on opinion. Watching two actors in a drama with chemistry is like watching diamonds dance on clouds (sorry I kind of exagerrated). But what I'm trying to say is that it is very important. In fact, its so important that I THINK chemistry is the most important thing in filming a drama. Therefore, casting is really quite important, because you could have the best drama ever with a mismatched couple and it would suck balls. But then if you have the worst drama ever with the perfect couple, it would still kinda suck but its better than the former one. Do you kind of get my point?

Okay, long intro, I'm sorry. I kinda don't know where I'm going with this. In this post, I'm going to be talking about certain examples of chemistry in dramas and also how they affect us viewers. I'm also going to throw ALL of my favourite couples in your face because I just love them so much ;)

Before I even start writing, I want to once again emphasize that everything in this post is based on OPINION. These are my opinions and it might not reflect how you think or how other people think. Also, I'm going to talk specifically about romantic dramas (almost all kdramas are based on romance whereas a lot of jdoramas don't put romance as a priority).

Lead Couple With No Chemistry

If a drama couple has no chemistry with each other, the drama is doomed. Well, at least for me. Even if you have your two favourite actors acting together, if they don't go well together, it's hard for you to root for them, which in turn is the most important thing for a drama.

Fortunately, its actually pretty unusual for a drama to have actors with no chemistry since a lot of effort is put into casting. Despite this, I do have a lot of examples of dramas where I thought the leads had no couple. Take Taisetsu for example, I did a post on it and strongly thought that the lead and second lead had waaaayyyy more chemistry than the actual leads. Miura Haruma and Toda Erika just looked awkward together. I much preferred Miura with Takei Emi instead. Now, this doesn't mean that Toda Erika doesn't match with anyone. Toda had CRAZY chemistry with Matsuda Shota and Kase Ryo in Liar Game and SPEC. Because of this fact, I couldn't watch the last three minutes of Taisetsu. I made it through the entire series because there were a lot of Miura and Takei scenes but once that ended, I bounced out, despite there being only three minutes left lol. Basically, if Takei also didn't have chemistry with Miura, then I would've been out the first ten minutes. You guys know how much I loved Taisetsu. I loved it to death. I can honestly say that if Takei and Miura's characters ended up together, it would be my favourite drama EVER. Thats really big to say since I love a LOT of dramas.

Another thing that affects a drama is really how much you like the actors. For me, I can have my favourite actress acting with a actor that I'm neutral about and still love it. However, if I don't love the actress, I can't watch the whole drama. There is a delicate balance between the male lead and the female lead. Since most of the time its the female that's more forward with their feelings, then having to watch an actress you don't like would be tough. So what I'm saying is that if you love the actors AND they have chemistry, then you have just hit jackpot. But if you don't like the actors from the start, then it will be tough tough tough to like them. You won't see any chemistry at ALL because you already don't like them.

One example for me would be Takei Emi in her most recent drama, Otenki Oneesan. Before the drama aired, I was kind of iffy about Okura Tadayoshi as the male actor but I still watched it anyways because I just love Takei Emi so much. In the end I really liked it and found out that Okura looks much better on screen in motion than in pictures ;)

Couple With INSANE Chemistry

There isn't much to say about this one. If your watching a drama where the lead couple has chemistry and ends up together, then you have just won the lottery! (lol I've been using a lot of these comparisons in this post, hitting jackpot, winning lottery) This is the dramaland dream that everyone wishes for. If the drama's storyline is good too, then it will seriously make you the happiest person alive. So yeah, thats about it for this example. Basically eternal happiness.

Actors/Actresses With Infective Chemistry

What is infective chemistry, you might ask? Well I made up the term myself. This term is used on actors and actresses who seem who have chemistry with everyone (at least everyone they've been paired up with). Again, its also based on how much you like the actor/actress. Obviously if you don't like them, you won't like them with anyone else.

The most prominent example for me would be Takei Emi again. I've watched almost all of her dramas (minus the Taigas which I find soooo hard to watch as a foreigner). In Asuko March, GOLD, and Kyou Koi wo Hajimemasu, she acted alongside Matsuzaka Tori and had fantastic chemistry. Also, she had great chemistry with Kaku Kento in Asuko March as well. In Taisetsu, she had burning chemistry with Miura Haruma which I have already mentioned previously. In W no Higeki, she had great chemistry with Kiritani Kenta even though they had little screen time and the drama kind of sucked. And then in Tokyo Zenryoku Shojo, she was great with Miura Shohei despite the fact that there was little to no romance. Plus, her character was kind of annoying. I won't even mention that one drama where she acted with that old man because I couldn't watch it and I will never watch it (Update: I watched it and its actually pretty good lol. Gawd I'm such a hypocrite). Lastly, Otenki Oneesan. I already mentioned how I didn't like Okura Tadayoshi in the beginning but started to like him after how well he matched with Emi. ALSO, I almost forgot to mention Rurouni Kenshin. She looked perfect with Sato Takeru.

To be honest, I know a lot of actors that have great chemistry with other actors (like Gong Hyo Jin and Moon Chae Won), but most of them are my favourite actresses so I felt that might not be too fair. For Takei Emi, I honestly thought she had so much chemistry with her costars BEFORE I even started liking her to the point that I do now.

Second Lead Syndrome

Sometimes, the second leads match much better with the hero/heroine than the leads themselves. This is probably the WORST WORST CIRCUMSTANCE EVER! Whenever this happens, you can prepare yourself for a world of hurt as 99% of dramas end with the leads ending up together. There are a few exceptions however like Prosecutor Princess and such. I would even count Dream High as one because I truly expected Suzy's character to end up with Taecyeon's. I also want to mention King Flower because that was a drama where the second guy got the girl. Most of the time, when the second lead gets the girl/guy, it's because they managed to outshine the lead to the point where all the fans support the second lead instead. Chris Wu's performance in King Flower just blew everyone away, making all the fans fully support him. Thus, he and Nikki's character ended up together even though he was a supporting actor.

Unfortunately, this is just the minority. If there's a drama where I like both male leads equally, then I would much rather the second lead get the girl. Because I want to be surprised, and I want something out of the ordinary once in a while. But let me warn you again, if you are caught in this situation where you like the second lead better, then your heart will break 99%. Just like how my heart broke  in Taisetsu and Goong. If you watched Goong, which I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU DO, then you will know that there was an equal amount of people supporting both male leads. I supported them both, but I liked Shin just a teensy weensy bit more. Despite so, that didn't stop me from shedding tears when Yul got his heart broken. If you watch that drama and end up liking Yul more, then I will cry together with you.

Favourite OTP's

When you find a drama where your in love with the main couple, it just feels like your on heaven. Here are some drama couples that have become part of my OTP's. Theres a few dramas that are currently airing that I won't include in here. Master's Sun is a drama thats airing right now and So Ji Sub and Gong Hyo Jin are already turning into my OTP of the year! :D

The Princess' Man

Moon Chae Won and Park Shi Hoo are totally perfect together. This drama is pretty heavy on the love story and I love it. I honestly think they match so well, on screen and off screen.

Nice Guy

Another Moon Chae Won pairing. I started loving her after this drama and I truly do think she looks good with every co-star she works with. Song Joongki is also uber cute and they look amazing together. So much so much chemistry in this messed up melodrama. I'm glad they ended up together, though.

Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete Kureta

Honestly, I don't need to say much for this couple because you guys already know I love them so much. Takei Emi isn't the lead and they didn't end up together but I would seriously do anything for them to. Well, in my heart they ended up together. 

Asuko March/Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu

Takei Emi and Matsuzaka Tori!!! I am so blessed that this OTP of mine starred in so many projects together! They still look amazing together :D Hope they star in something together again even though it won't be likely. 

Liar Game

K so I know this drama isn't really heavy on the romance but I had to include it. Toda Erika and Matsuda Shota are PERFECT TOGETHER. Gosh, you guys have no idea how much I wanted to punch this drama. I understand that there wasn't romantic scenes in the first season because it focused on the game, BUT, after 2 SEASONS AND A MOVIE THERE STILL WASN'T A KISS?!?!?!


WHY WHY WHY. I wish that Horikita Maki and Yamashita's character's had more scenes together. I wished for it SOOOO BAD. But I have to understand that this is just the reality of most Japanese Dramas. BTW, its like impossible to find a picture where they are in the same shot except for this one where Yamapi's hair is just ugh. Whatever, they are still amazing.

Love Generation

Perhaps most of you guys won't know this drama since it's pretty old. It stars KimuTaku and was super popular. Even though this drama is pretty old, the OTP is still there. Teppei and Riko are one of the best Japanese onscreen couples EVAAARRRRR! I rewatched this like 500x just for them. This is one the rare dramas where romance takes the lead in the plot. Takako Matsu and Kimura Takuya. <3

My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho

Cute x100000000. Lee Seungi and Shin Min Ah play the perfect rom com couple. Not much to say about them except the fact that they are super cute together. 

Which Star Are You From

A drama from a while back. Stars Jung Ryeo Won and Kim Rae Won. They are kind of a perfect match because one is a little country bumpkin while the other is a hot shot director with a tragic past love.

Thank You

I have rewatched this drama like five times already even though I just first watched it a month ago. Gong Hyo Jin kind of has chemistry with everyone lol. And Jang Hyuk is super handsome. They are amazing together!


  1. Thank you for making a post dedicated to this! A lot more dramas added to my "to watch" list now.

    Another pretty couple with amazing chemistry: Song Seung Hoon and Kim Tae Hee in My Princess! The drama itself has a lot of crying and political mumbo jumbo, but I stayed for the chemistry.

  2. You're welcome! Thank you for the comment ^^ I haven't watched My Princess yet but I will for sure add it to my watchlist! Hope you enjoy the dramas! :D
