Friday, December 27, 2013

Weekly Updates (13/12/20 - 13/12/27)

Hey! I'm going to be starting this new kind of post that I'm calling "Weekly Updates." I'm going to write a post every Friday. But since school is starting soon and I won't have time to watch that many dramas and movies, I'll do these posts only once in a while.

So I'm probably going to include categories on any new dramas or movies I'm watching. Also my fave MV's, songs, and such. Basically just the "stuff I found interesting and good or bad" all together in a post.

I'm not sure what format I'm going to be sticking to so for now the post is gonna be like vomit lol. And I'm not sure what pictures to put either.


Otto No Kanojo
Pretty Boy - Dramawiki here. Picked this up at episode 8. Don't kill me but I sometimes like to skip the beginning because it's just set up. I'm skipping everything except for the OTP parts. JGS and IU all the way

Nagareboshi - Dramawiki here. Finished this drama! Super good and underrated. Thanks to HallyuBack who recommended it in one of her videos. Killer OST. Great performance by the leads. I'm so glad I watched this drama. Read the review here!

In A Good Way - Dramawiki here. If you look to the sidebar you'll know that I've been watching In A Good Way. I started to watch it because one day I was bored and Koalasplayground had mentioned how good it was. I'm waiting to watch episode 7 tomorrow but so far I've loved it! One thing I hate though is how it comes out with only one episode each week and T-dramas always have like 20 or so episodes. Draaaaaggg.

Umi No Ue No Shinryoujo - Dramawiki here. Just finished the finale! Yay! so so so satisfied with this drama. Read my review here!

Otto No Kanojo - Dramawiki here. I'm waiting for the last episode that aired like last last week to be subbed but somehow I feel like it's been forgotten. Just let me finish it PLEASE!


Avatar - Asianwiki here. Watched it for Ai Hashimoto. Such a weird weird movie. So weird that I don't even know how I feel about it

Detroit Metal City - Asianwiki here. Watched it at a sleepover right after watching Pitch Perfect. Lol. Shinichi is the best. This is a movie that is pure Japanese comedy, which I love.

Kanseitou (Control Tower) - Asianwiki here. Love love love the soundtrack! The movie gave me a fresh feeling of nostalgia with it's winter setting and young friendship. GAh, I love these types of movies.

Enoshima Prism - Asianwiki here. Just finished this 20 minutes ago. The plot line is sorta overdone but the movie sure didn't feel like it. I have officially fallen in love with Fukushi Sota. The movie wasn't sad but I almost cried. Like one little tear sitting in my eye but didn't come out. GAWD such a nostalgic feeling as well.

Hard Romanticker - Asianwiki here. Watched it with my friend. I totally didn't understand it and my friend had to explain it to me. There were too many names to remember but the movie was funny. Matsuda Shota's weird characters always impress me.

Drama/Movie MV's

Love love love this MV. I finished the drama ages ago but just found this MV. I keep rewatching it. The song, the colouring, the editing. Everything is perfect.

There's very few MV's on Nagareboshi but I'm so glad the only one I found was a great one. There are some pixel problems but that is YouTube's fault of course. Great editing, LOVE THE SONG!!!!! The videos might be restricted for playback on this site so just click the YouTube icon to watch it there :)

Drama/Movie News

Boku no Ita Jikan - Dramawiki here. Hells yes I am so excited for Miura Haruma's new drama. The preview came out!! It's premiering on January 8th. Im so glad he's reuniting with Tabe Mikako! Watch the preview on YouTube here.

Senryokugai Sousakan - YAY! New Takei Emi drama! She's been in three seasons in a row. I'm super happy but I hope she gets rest too! This one is a detective drama, a classic Japanese favourite of mine :)

New Music

I downloaded a shitload of music this week. BTW I get my Jpop from "" It's an awesome website, check it out! No adfly no ads :) Anyways, I picked some of my favourites and made a YouTube playlist for y'all! List of songs below the video!

1. Galileo Galilei - "Hello Goodbye"
2. Samuel and Kristin (original by HelloGoodbye) - "Here In Your Arms"
3. Olivia Ong - "Unchanging"
4. Kobukuro - "Ryuusei"


So I found this article on RocketNews and I loved it. It's filled with hamster butts. Please trust me and click here.

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