Friday, January 03, 2014

Weekly Updates (13/12/27 - 13/01/03)

Yo Yo Yo, it's Friday again! Not much happened this week lol. I started to watch a few dramas but I dropped them in the end because they were too boring. There is no music playlist or drama news this week and no random post as well. I did watch a few dramas so yeah!


In A Good Way - Dramawiki here. I watched episode 7 on Friday and it was so good! Jia En is really maturing :)

Otto No Kanojo - Dramawiki here. Finally finished it! Although the ratings were terrible, I think this drama was still pretty solid. I will always love Kawaguchi Haruna :)


Midsummer Formula - Asianwiki here. Galileo will always be a great drama series and this movie is no different. Great plot, great twist as usual. Suspect X was just a little teensy weensy bit better, but still :) On a side note, I feel like Yoshitaka Yuriko's make up was unusually dark in this movie lol.

Koisuru Eve - Asianwiki here. I watched this because Mizobata Junpei and Sasaki Nozomi are so cute. I was a bit bummed they weren't actually playing a couple but two different stories. Nonetheless, the ending was super cute and I was actually glad about what happened. This SP kinda reminded me of those giant ensemble cast movies about multiple stories that are somewhat tied together. I loved the music choice as well! All my Christmas faves!

Drama/Movie MV's

I know The Heirs ended a long time ago but I just needed to share this MV with you guys. Rachel and Youngdo is a minority ship but I find I always go for the couples that no one really likes lol. Despite so, I'm lucky that there are really good MV makers who ship them! The song of this MV and the editing was purrrrrfect!

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