Friday, January 10, 2014

Weekly Updates (14/01/03 - 14/01/10)

Heyooo. School has started so my time to watch dramas and movies have drastically decreased :( I'm super sad but of course I still find time to watch dramas lol. How in the world can a dramaholic like me go a day without watching dramas?! Anyways, I totally forgot to say Happy New Years to you guys! I hope this is the last time you guys hear it. I've heard enough lol. Anyways, wrapped up some dramas this week and started some! I know my dramalist this upcoming season isn't huge but hopefully I'll get some good dramas off of it :D


Beautiful Man
Pretty Boy - Dramawiki here. FINISHED THE LAST TWO EPISODES!! Okay so episode 15 was super cute and then the end totally killed me. Episode 16 managed to wrap up everything well and ended off cute as expected :D Despite not watching the first 8 episodes, I still very enjoyed this drama!

In A Good Way - Dramawiki here. Since this drama airs on friday, I have a hard time writing weekly updates for it lol. So I've decided just to watch the new episode first and then do weekly updates. Anyways, I watched episode 8 last week and I loved it. The ending was a huge cliffhanger that tied in nicely with episode 9.

Boku No Ita Jikan - Dramawiki here. Just finished watching the first episode and writing a post on it. Read it here!


Kagi No Kakatta Heya SP
Kagi no Kakatta Heya SP - Asianwiki here. To be honest, I wasn't super crazy about the drama. It was good but it didn't feel on point. However, the SP was very very good. The case was pretty amazing. I was wary in the early parts of it because it seemed it would just be like another episode, but it ended up exceeding my expectations!

Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo Gokumon Juku Satsujin Jiken - Asianwiki here. Sorry for the long name lol. I always watch everything Kindaichi so this was a must watch. This case was a little bit weird and I must say a teensy weensy bit boring. Still, I'm a sucker for detective stories and I love to see Yamada Ryosuke and Kawaguchi Haruna :D

Drama/Movie MV's

I didn't find any good new drama MV's this week so I thought I'd share something rather than nothing. This is hands down my favourite drama MV ever. And of course its on Taisetsu, my favourite Jdrama.

Drama/Movie News

Sukitte Iinayo Live Action Movie - Article here. OMGOMGOMG I'm not sure if you guys read manga or not but I do and I absolutely love this manga. I am so so happy and the leads are Kawaguchi Haruna and Fukushi Sota!!!!! I feel like this year I have been so lucky because there have been so many dramas with my favourite people together! Kame and Tabe in Tokyo Bandwagon. Haruma and Tabe in Boku No Ita Jikan. Emi and Shota in Umi No Ue No Shinryojo. And now this!!!!!!! I'm super duper looking forward to it :D Plus Haruna plays the strong willed girl character perfectly!

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