Friday, January 10, 2014

Boku No Ita Jikan Episode 1 Thoughts & Feelings

I just finished watching the first episode of Boku No Ita Jikan with Miura Haruma and Tabe Mikako and I just have so many thoughts, feelings, confusions, and excitement about it!!! I probably won't do this for every single episode but I just had too many things to say about the first one :D

First of all, I need to say that I am so happy Haruma and Makiko are in a drama together! After watching the first episode, I think all of the romance that we didn't get in Kimi Ni Todoke will happen in this drama :D 

Okay, I need to stop and talk about Miura Haruma's hair. ITS PERFECT. I'm so glad his long hair is gone. I liked his short hair but now that he's returned to the hair he had in Kimi Ni Todoke, he's been making me squeal every time he's on screen. And he's the main character so he's practically in every. single. scene. I literally was worried I wouldn't be able to get through this drama because I just kept screaming. 

Anyhow, let's get back to the drama. I actually have mixed feelings towards the drama. Under all the excitement of Miura Haruma and the perfect music, colouring of the drama, there are some aspects that weren't handled so well. I'm not a big critic but I must say the first episode wasn't super impressive. It did set up the story but it was done so in a way that just felt a little bit messy and unrealistic.

Especially with Takuto and Megumi's relationship. It just felt unrealistic how Megumi and Takuto practically went on a date right after meeting for the second time. But since they are my OTP I totally forgave them and played along lol. 

In a way, I feel like this drama tackles on a lot of serious topics. Takuto, for example,  is actually really insecure despite how he shows himself to the outside world. I think this is something a lot of people do and I'm glad he showed a bit of his true self by the end of the episode. In the beginning, I was thinking that Megumi might have a more depressing story because of her father's death but seeing Takuto's parents just disgusted me. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they don't realize what they're doing. But treating one child better just because they fit your standards more is not right. I really hope they open their eyes soon, because right now I just want Megumi to give Takuto a big bear hug. 

I'm actually glad that Takuto wasn't what he seemed. When I first started the episode, I surprised myself because I actually didn't like Takuto as a character. His personality just didn't appeal to me and his happy exterior was very unbelievable. Of course the drama showed moments where his smile faded away but it would just carry onto another scene with his fake smile. 

Anyways, I can't wait for my OTP to sail off, but before that, the big blow of the disease is probably going to come next episode. 


  1. i am new...what is OTP stand for?

    1. OTP stands for One True Pair. It's basically your favourite combination of characters in a fandom or just in general. For me it's my favourite drama couples :)
