Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Asuko March (Review)

Asuuuuko March! Oh what a wonderful little drama. This is another drama that lacks in quality but just strums my heartstrings.
I'm sure you all know my love for Takei Emi. Is it crazy that I've watched all the dramas she's stared in? I'm probably going to do a actress spotlight kinda thing on her soon since I love her so so sooooo much!

Anyways, Asuko March is a drama focused on friendship and finding your place. Of course there is romance but its kind of on the back burner. BTW Matsuzaka Tori is also in this! I just love him and Takei Emi together :DDD I'm still waiting for Kyou Koi Wo Hajimemasu to come out in DVD. *sigh* its taking fo-evaah!


Anyways, getting back to the drama, here is the synopsis. Although I feel that you should never decide whether or not to watch a drama based on the synopsis. There have been so many dramas that I first decided not to watch because the plot seemed weird. And then for some fated reason I watch it and its completely different from what I expected. SO! here is the synopsis anyways just to give you a little bit of background:

  • Nao Yoshino (Takei Emi) is a teenager who gets into the technical high school Asuko. Unfortunately for Nao, Asuko only has male students. Nao failed to enter a female school which she dreamed of entering. In its place, Nao must settle for Asuko. She initially feels lonely as she's the only female student in her class, but soon enough, friendships and love sprouts for Nao Yoshino ...

Cast & Characters

Takei Emi is simply awesome. Yes I am being extremely biased but I DON'T CARE. Nao Yoshino is a rather weird character. She's one of those characters that care too much and stick their noses into other peoples business. Although its kinda annoying and unrealistic its the same trait that makes others so accepting of her. I mean, shes the only girl in her class in a school filled with almost all boys. You guys know I really hate those love crazy girls so its a good thing she doesn't play one in this. Emi's performance here does not match to hers in Taisetsu but she still does a very decent job ^^

This is the drama where I discovered Matsuzaka Tori! After watching this I found out he and Emi were also in the drama GOLD together so I watched that too. Too bad they played siblings there so no rockin love moments :( ITS OKAY, because the live action adaptation of Kyou Koi Wo Hajimemasu is already out and it stars both of them. Once I see it I'll probably be spazzing nonstop because he has so much chemistry with Emi. He plays Yokoyama Aruto, a boy who works as a male escort type of job at a pub/restaurant? He does NOT sleep with any customers though lol, just entertains them. He and his mother ran away from their abusive father which lead his mother to have a few mental problems. So he then has to work work work to make money for his family of two. Thats why he rarely goes to school. TBH, even though Tori and Emi have great chemistry, I was sort of rooting for Nao to be with Tamaki Makoto which is Kaku Kento's character. Only because Tori's character rarely appeared in the first few episodes. Anyways, Tori did a great job! He played his part well and I loved it when he was jealous :D:D:D 

Hoorays! Kaku Kento! I also discovered him in this drama since it was one of my first Jdramas! He is so cute playing Tamaki Makoto. I loved him and Nao together in the beginning but I stopped shipping them because I knew if I continued my heart would just break. ONLY because I knew Nao and Aruto was going to end up together. I like them too though. His character is kind of a cute-whatever type. He is really protective of his family and doesn't like people looking down at him and his school. He is super duper passionate about mechanics and I just love him. I mean, look at that picture! His glare is super badass with hint of uber cuteness! His character is Aruto's rival and he also likes Nao after getting to know her more ^^

Gouriki Ayame plays Aizawa Momo. She's not a main main character but she does cause some of the conflict in this story. She is probably the antagonist in this drama along with the psycho girl that is in love with Aruto. She is also after Aruto in the beginning. Her character has had problems of always lying before so she was bullied in junior high. I'm not a huge fan of Gouriki Ayame because I have no idea why shes so popular. Its also due to the fact that shes almost surpassing Takei Emi and I'm Emi biased lol. Anyways, momo is super guy crazy. She HATES Nao because she wanted to be the only girl in Asuko. Ayame does a good job though, and since shes good friends with Emi, I'm forced to like her a little bit lol. They are in the same company!! ^^ And she always played supporting characters in dramas that Emi is in like Taisetsu! I really liked her character there because she was very supporting.

OST (Soundtrack)

I wasn't into the ost of this drama and I still do not even know the songs used in the drama :/ I tried to search it up but nothing came out so sorry! No OST review for Asuko March but I didn't have any problems while watching it. It was just a forgettable OST that's all.

Review & Thoughts

I really liked this drama but as I said, I only watched it because of Takei Emi so if you don't super duper like her, its an okay drama. I really do like the theme of friendship and school between the characters though. I would recommend this drama to people who like School dramas and love triangles although its not super prominent in here. Asuko March is more of a laid back watch. Something to watch during spring break or something but it might not keep you super interested. It is quite funny though I'll say and all the characters are very intriguing. I really enjoyed watching Emi's character slowly becoming friends with the guys :D

1 comment:

  1. hi...i'm glad i found your blog.really happy to find someone with the same as interest as me.actually i was searching if i can find any news about kyou koi wo hajimemasu. i was dying to see the movie. it's all because of Asuko March. i just pick this drama randomly because i was so bored watching so many korean dramas. when i see the lead actress,seems so familiar then i remember i saw her from taisetsu na koto wa...(can't remember the rest) which i quite dislike her well obviously her character there.but from asuko march, i love her..omg so cute n pretty so much different from that taisetsu drama. so i began to like her. and i start to know tori tooo....and i love this couple so much that i can't wait for the movie to come out..any idea when will the movie come out?
