Friday, June 14, 2013

Spotlight: Takei Emi

Okay, today I will be talking about Takei Emi. This is my first time doing this type of post so I'm just gonna call it a 101 kinda thing! Im really not sure what I'll be writing about but Im just gonna give you some info on Takei Emi, how I came to know her and why I love her so much <3 <3

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu Has Come Out !! (Review)

My prayers have been answered! Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu has finally come out on DVD! In fact it came out a while ago and I just watched it last week. Let me tell you, it was AMAZINGGG!!

Well there are some things I have to mention but Ill talk about that later. So I guess this is a review basically? Kinda I guess :D

Anyways, as you all know, my love for Takei Emi has grown sooooo big! And Matsuzaka Tori is SUPER AWESOME AS WELL. They are totally one of my major OTP's! Their chemistry together make the whole movie absolutely a delight to watch. I put the download link to the movie at the end of this post! It's not subbed yet so the download is raw. I don't understand Japanese but I still watched it and loved it lol. I am serious obsessed with this movie, I watch clips of it everyday and even before I go to sleep. I know that sounds kinda weird but honestly, Emi and Tori together are just perfection. They are so perfect that I just had to post about them. I couldn't wait so I had to write this one first <3<3<3

I really like it when shoujo mangas are adapted into live action movies. I LOVE LOVE LOVE shoujo mangas. I mean, they are like every girl's dream! Even though I know it is super duper unrealistic, its still fun to watch! Btw there might be some spoilers from the screencaps! I included super duper cute moments that made me squeal big time. I just learned that you can put captions beside pictures so I am so excited to share my thoughts on certain scenes! <3 <3


The plot below is the manga's plot. The movie changes a few things but they are rather minor. Some changes are that Tsubaki doesn't cut Kyouta's hair against his will and Kyouta's character isn't that mischievous. Also, Tsubaki's younger sister isn't super in love with Kyouta. TBH, those changes actually make the movie more enjoyable for me because I thought those parts were kinda ridiculous in the manga. STILL NOT AS RIDICULOUS AS HIGH SCHOOL DEBUT. Man, that movie was riDONKulous but I still loved it. Anyways, Im not gonna say that you should read the manga before watching the movie, because honestly the manga isn't that amazing. Its more of a guilty pleasure :) Anyways, here is the plot from wikipedia! Keep in mind that its different from the actual film! 
Despite Tsubaki Hibino's talent in styling other people's hair, she isn't comfortable with doing the same for herself. On her first day of high school, she is immediately looked down upon her delinquent-like classmates for her old-fashioned taste. When she is teased by the top student, Kyouta Tsubaki, who shares the same name as her, she defiantly cuts his hair. Interested in her actions, Kyouta decides to make her his target.Kyouta, who is not only a promiscuous playboy but also has control of the class, makes Tsubaki need him during class activities, although Tsubaki attempts to resist his advances. Gradually, the two begin to fall in love with each other until Tsubaki discovers that Kyouta cannot commit himself into a relationship due to his mother and a nurse he trusted. However, after understanding Tsubaki's trust in him, Kyouta has sex with her. But with both of them having their first experiences in love, troubles start to weigh and test their relationship.
Thoughts & Feelings

There isn't much to say about this movie. I mean, its just another high school love story based on a manga. The manga was pretty okay in my opinion. Although the storyline is ridiculous, it was a great read, especially if your the type of girl who loves the whole cool guy nerd girl typa thing. And yes, I am that type of girl :P

Okay. Movie quality wise, this film absolutely sucked. When I say quality I mean the quality of the plot and script. The pace of the movie was horrible, everything went by way too fast and parts that they should've focused more on passed by in just a few seconds, literally! In their defence though, it is very very hard to fit a whole entire manga into one movie. Especially since they included practically everything. High School Debut and Kimi Ni Todoke did not cover an entire manga, they basically cut out a chunk of the manga and made it into a movie (btw, reviews coming up on those two movies :D). Thats why their paces were pretty well thought out. Bokura Ga Ita included the whole entire manga but it was split into two movies. I'd actually prefer it if Kyo Koi Wo Hajimemasu was split into two movies, because Id love to see more Emi and Tori kisses and cute couply scenes :D :D :D

Anyways, once you ignore the pace, the movie is amazing. Maybe thats just because I love Emi and Tori so much but honestly, the whole movie would've sucked really bad if not for Emi and Tori. The cast really holds up well and makes it enjoyable. In fact, they are so good that you probably won't even notice anything bad in the movie. Overall, I just really enjoyed this movie and have watched it more than twice already! It's super cute and the scenes are really pretty to watch! PLUS I've been waiting forever so yeah, Im really happy about it :D

Cast and Characters

Takei Emi plays Tsubaki Hibino, a girl who loves to make cute hairstyles for others like her sister but never has the courage to do so for herself. Instead, she wears plain old braids. Okay, you guys should never fully trust what I say when I review things with Takei Emi in it. Because if you haven't noticed, she is MY TOP GIRL BIAS AND MY TOP BIAS OVERALL!!!!! So yeah Im obviously gonna be biased. But hey, at least I admit it right? Anyways in my opinion I think Takei Emi plays a great Tsubaki, but she looks so terrible in braids. Her face just doesnt fit that kind of style. I know that Emi isn't the best actress ever, but I know that she does really well depending on which type of character she plays. I know good actors are able to play any part, and I know Emi's not on that level yet, but I think she does a really good job overall. After each and every show and movie that was come out, I still think Emi was the best in Taisetsu. That was the show that introduced me to her and that was the show that wowed me. I have more to say but Im thinking of doing a separate post just for my biases :D Anyways, Takei Emi is AWESOME!! This type of movie is kind of just about cheesy love. Don't expect to find any amazing or outstanding acting in this :P

Matsuzaka Tori plays Kyouta Tsubaki, a playboy type to doesn't trust love. Ever since his mother left his dad, he is afraid of committing himself to anyone. But after meeting Tsubaki, he changes. SO! Tori is really amazing at this role, and thats partly because he has such good chemistry with Emi. Seriously I have to say it again, they are one of my top top top OTP's! Anyone who loves Tori and Emi together are seriously lucky because they have been in 3 film and shows together, 2 of which where they are romantic partners :D :D :D Tori is seriously so handsome, and I really love his gaze, ESPECIALLY WHEN HE LOOKS AT EMI.

The other characters were okay but there weren't any that stood out to me. Plus this movie is mainly focused on Kyouta and Tsubaki. There is this bitch in the movie that kinda broke them up in a way. BUT, I am not going to put her picture in here because I kinda hate her. Well..... she wasn't that bad, she wasn't even evil, BUT SHE LIKED KYOUTA AND THAT IS NOT OKAY! >.<

OST (Soundtrack)

Okay I officially love ALL THE SONGS IN THIS MOVIEEEEE. I've downloaded all of them and listened to them on repeat. The only song that I cannot find for the life of me is the one by Negoto. All the Jpop websites are just missing THAT ONE SONG THAT I WANT. Like how wicked is that? Sucks, but the other songs will tie me over in the meantime. Here is the music movie for this movie :D I never knew they made videos like this but its really really nice! It really helps when there is a song you want to find from a certain part in a movie.

And here is one of my favourites from the soundtrack! It's called Starlight Parade by Sekai No Owari.


You guys already know that Emi and Tori is one of my top otps because I've mentioned is like a hundred times. Here are a few of my favourite moments :D They are seriously so cute together!! Obviously I'd wish for them to date in real life but I know that Emi is very serious about keeping her work life and her personal life separate. I kind of respect that about her. She's mentioned on shows that she doesn't go to the dinners that set members invite her to. It may seem like she's arrogant at first but thats really not the case. ANYWAYS, BACK TO THE PERFECT OTP!!!! Here THEY ARE <3<3<3

THIS WAS AN ALMOST KISSSSSSS. OMG EVEN THOUGH I WATCHED IT RAW AND DIDN'T UNDERSTAND A THING I STILL THOUGHT THEY WERE SO CUTE. I can't wait for the subs to come out so I can understand exactly what they are saying. I dunno why, but for kisses, I always like the moment just before their lips touch, like when their faces are super close together >.<
Aren't they adorable? This is their second kiss and their first official kiss as a couple! Ugh, look at Tori's face, he is just so unffff.
This is when Kyouta came up from behind and scared Tsubaki! I thought it was so cute, especially the expression on Tsubaki's face when she got scared. LOL it was too fast so I couldn't get a screenshot but they are so cute. 
Legit this is probably my favourite scene. Gosh I love back hugs and an Emi and Tori backhug just blew my out of my chair. I didn't screenshot the actual backhug because I wanted you guys to watch it and get super surprised and SQUEAL YOUR EARS OFF :D:D
Lol this is the library kiss. It was only for like a few seconds but it was so cute. LOOK AT THEIR FACES!!! I watched a variety show with them together while promoting this movie and they said that in this scene they were actually really embarrassed so their facial expressions where real. LOL ISNT THAT SO CUTE? And Emi said she was really embarrassed in this scene. You can just tell from their faces that they probably burst out laughing right after. 


K, here are the last few scenes from the movie. I wanted to include them for anyone who wants to see it because you will die squealing. Honestly, I know some people hate spoilers but I personally don't mind them because I still squeal even when I've already seen them. 

Download Link for the movie

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kimi Ni Todoke (Review)

Kimi Ni Todoke. This movie makes my heart flutter no matter how many times I watch it. It truly is more than just a live action film adapted from a shoujo manga. This movie is so pure and innocent. It's not only about romance but about making friends and growing up. 

Sunday, June 09, 2013

High School Debut (Review)

High School Debut. I watched this movie a looooong time ago and I fell in love with it. Its playing right now in the background so I can take screenshots and I still love it. Its absolutely hilarious in a stupid way. The acting isn't great but it just adds to the ridiculousness! On the other hand it might not be funny at all to some people, which I have learned through showing it to a bunch of my friends.

Let's just be clear first, if you don't understand the humour you are not going to like it. If you are wanting to watch a movie with a quality plotline and amazeballs acting you are not going to like it. The plotline is ridiculous and so silly that you just want to slap your face sometimes. Its also filled with overused plot lines and cringeworthy moments. BUT I LOVE IT.