Monday, August 05, 2013

Good Doctor: Episode 1 Summary & Impressions

I haven't really done any posts on Korean dramas, but that doesn't mean I don't watch any of them! When I started this blog I was starting to get hooked onto Jdoramas so that's why all of my posts currently are about Jdoramas. If you check my Currently Watching list then you can see that I do in fact watch Kdramas. I love Kdramas and Jdoramas equally :D They are both different and I love them both. Anyways, today I'm going to talk about Good Doctor because I just watched the first episode!

You guys probably don't know this but I love love love Moon Chae Won. I literally would watch anything if she's in it because she has amazing chemistry with everyone.  I will make a page on my favourite actors in the future so you guys know about my biases lol :P

Currently, I've only really done some reviews on my blog (not sure if you can really call them reviews cuz they're kinda just weird ramblings lol, my blog is super informal) I love to read recaps before watch dramas but I'm way too lazy to do recaps so I've decided to do these episode reviews/comment type of things. This probably won't be for every episode but I think I have a lot to say about the first episode so I decided to make a post on it ! :D

Anyways! Back to the drama. I really liked the first episode! I don't super duper LOVE it but I enjoyed it. I actually really like the hearing medical terms and all those fancy words. And the acting is superb. I honestly hope the plot won't be toooooo serious but I think it's off to a great start. 

Joo Won plays Park Shi On, an Autistic Savant surgeon. If you're watching this drama, then I suggest you search up what Autism is about. I know generally what it's like since I've read a few books on it. So basically an Autistic Savant is someone who has autism and excels at certain field. The episode begins with Shi On moving to Seoul and riding the train.  As he walks and observes his surroundings, we see flashbacks of his childhood. Shi On develops autism as a child due to his abusive father and is always getting bullied. He carries a bunny everywhere with him. His brother is constantly protecting him from bullies and tells him to try to fit in with other kids. After his bunny dies, Shi On decides he wants to become a doctor so people don't have to go to heaven. Unfortunately, his brother ends up dying too in a mining incident, and this propels Shi On to become a pediatric surgeon. 

I think Joo Won does a really good job at playing someone with Autism. He does well at acting awkward and childish but at the same time witty. I never really loved Joo Won before but I knew a little about him because my friend was ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH HIM. Like she was srsly obsessed, she knew everything about him and kept on talking about him. She even made me watch Gaksital but I couldn't finish it because it was too intense. I know he grew super popular after starring in numerous successful dramas but I never jumped on his boat. After watching the first episode of Good Doctor, I think I've already sailed off. This is the first time I've watched a drama with Joo Won and he really really pulled me in! I always thought he looked kinda weird but after today, I have decided that he is officially the CUTEST THING EVERRRRRRRRR. <3<3<3 Im pretty sure he's going to be on my favourite list soon. I can already feel my obsession coming out. 

omgomgomg look at him hes so cute eating those ribs
Anyways, as Shi On is on his way to the hospital, a child is injured at the subway station so he stops and helps. Fortunately the child the stabilized and sent to the hospital. Plus, everyone sees his amazing genius awesomness as a surgeon. He ends up on the news later which helps him secure a position at the hospital. So during the incident, He kept on reciting medical terms that sounded really nice lol. I totally sounded like a pervert. I just love learning new terms.

At the pediatric hospital, the director is having a meeting to hire Joo Won as a surgeon. It's a tough crowd as none of the board members are pleased with the idea of hiring a mentally unstable person as a surgeon. But the director insists and backs up Joo Won one hundred percent. He used to be a doctor during wartime and has known Joo Won since he was young. He witnessed first hand the geniusness of Joo Won as a child and fully believes that he will become a good doctor. (see what I did there lolol, please don't hit me)

Aaaaand then comes Moon Chae Won. I totally screamed when she showed up because I missed her face lol. She plays Cha Yoon Seo, a pediatric doctor who cares a lot about each patient. She constantly argues with Kim Do Han, played by Joo Sang Wook. It's been a long time since Moon Chae Won played a more bright character. Her roles in the Princess' Man and Nice Guy were all pretty badass. I think I really really like her personality here. And honestly Im just so happy to see her in a drama again. As usual her acting is amazing and she looks amazeballs :D There isn't much character background about Yoon Seo so far but I'm sure we will get to know more about her in future episodes. 

KIM YOUNG KWANGGGGGGGG. I TOTALLY LOVED HIM IN CAN WE GET MARRIED. As soon as a I saw his face I squealed. He is super adorable!! I was only going to talk about the main characters today but I decided that I needed to include him. I know he had a little scandal a while ago. He made a really disrespectful comment about body types and it really made me dislike him as a person but as an actor, I am still quite obsessed with him. 

Let me just talk about the ending of todays episode for a second. First of all, I loved it. And I'll explain what happened. So basically Yoon Seo got really drunk after getting super mad at Do Han. After Shi On got hired, he went to his supposed new home. Somehow it was also Yoon Seo's home as well? Anyways she came in drunk while Shi On was eating Chocopie and began to undress. And Shi On just stared at her lol.

ahhhh im dying his stare is so cute

THE NEXT MORNING, Yoon Seo screams as Shi On brushes his teeth cutely

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