Friday, August 16, 2013

Master's Sun: First Impression

SO! I've been obsessed with quite a few dramas lately. Right now I'm watching Who Are You, Good Doctor, and Master's Sun. Who Are You is interesting. Good Doctor is great, funny, and heartwarming. But I've got to say that Master's Sun takes the cake.

And I have to say this drama is seriously ROCKING MY WORLD.

I wasn't super excited about it before it aired because I wasn't familiar with Gong Hyo Jin and the plot didn't interest me as there was just TOO much seeing ghost dramas going on. I read a ton of other drama blogs and they were all raving about the teasers and such while I was more interested in Good Doctor because my favourite Moon Chae Won was in it. Anyways, somehow after the long 12 minute trailer was released, I started looking forward to it. After watching the trailer, it looked interesting although I still didn't reeeaaaaallllly like Gong Hyo Jin (because of her looks). But still, I was curious and I somewhat liked So Ji Sub so I read up on Gong Hyo Jin. I realized that she starred in this drama I watched when I was super young about a mother with a daughter who got aids be accident. That turned out to be Thank You. Coincidentally, I was planning to rewatch the drama since I had like no memories when I was a kid. So I watched it, totally fell in love with Gong Hyo Jin AND Jang Hyuk, and then watched Best Love and fell in love EVEN MORE with Gong Hyo Jin. I started to realize that although she's not what Korean people think of as "pretty," she's really quirky and eccentric in her own way. I now think she's really pretty and has a lot of charms to her. So between the right before Master's Sun premiered, I finished Best Love and also fell in love with the drama along with Cha Seung Won.

Naturally, when Master's Sun aired, I fell in love with it. Im not really someone who is super concerned about actual quality plot-lines and such and such so I didn't understand why other bloggers said that they were disappointed with the drama. I enjoyed it, Gong Hyo Jin and So Ji Sub look amazing together, and the ghosts don't really freak me out. (TBH I was truly freaked out the first couple of ghosts but I got over it since they weren't super freaky or scary).

It takes too many words to explain the plot here so you guys can just search it up :D Sorry Im lazy, I just want to talk about how much I love this drama. And i do love it a lot. I just watched episode 4 and I fell further in love with it. All the screencaps here are from episode 4 btw if you wanted to know ^^

I really think the main reason I love this drama so much is all the skinship and the leads. GHJ and SJS have sooooo much chemistry and love every scene they are in. I love their characters. I love seeing Joo Gun slowly getting jealous and slowly starting to care about Gong Shil despite his traumatic past. I love seeing Gong Shil finally finding comfort in someone and turning her life around. There are also other things keeping me around, like Kang Woo's mysterious presence and what actually happened with the kidnapping. I'm also curious about Gong Shil's accident.

Seriously, this drama is so good I legit re-watch every episode that comes out THREE TIMES. I recommend you guys to watch it. For those who are scared of ghosts I suggest maybe reading a recap first so you know when they pop out. But tbh after they pop out, the scariness goes away because each ghost comes with a story (except for the one in episode 4, which just left me confused).

I wanted to cry at this scene because it was perfect aside from the fact that So Ji Sub's expression was kinda stiff. But still, EEEEEEEEEEEP
That's all I have to say. So HAPPY WATCHING :D

Actually, I could probably go on for like 100 more paragraphs but I'm sparing you guys from killing your eyeballs!

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