Saturday, January 04, 2014

2014 Winter Season Dramalist

Hey hey hey! It's the new year and that means a new season of dramas! There aren't a lot of dramas this season that interest me, but I'm super excited for the ones that do because most of them star my favourite actors and actresses :D This is a list for me and a list that might help add some dramas to your Winter watchlist ;) This list is of course not final because I'm always going to end up dropping a drama or maybe even picking one up. I'm probably going to do a midway impressions just like I did for the last fall season and then do reviews on certain dramas.

Again, I didn't place any Kdramas on here because the scheduling is a little bit different. There are a lot of unfinished Kdramas currently so yeah lol.

Anyways, no more blabbing, lets get on to the list after the jump!




Shitsuren Chocolatier

Japanese Title: 失恋ショコラティエ

Start: January 13th / Time: 21:00 / Channel: FUJI TV

Cast: Matsumoto Jun, Ishihara Satomi, Mizukawa Asami, Mizobata Junpei, Mizuhara Kiko, Arimura Kasumi, and more


The drama depicts the strenuous efforts of Koyurugi Souta (Matsumoto) trying to win over the heart of the sometimes mischievous Saeko (Ishihara), who he has fallen in love with at first sight. He even decides to become the best chocolatier there is in order to get her to love him as much as she loves chocolate. His plan fails as she continues to give him the cold shoulder and as time passes, she eventually marries another man. However, this doesn't stop him from loving her and from making chocolate.


Okay, don't be surprised but I have never watched a Matsumoto Jun drama other than Kimi Wa Petto. That one was kinda bad lol but I've always like Matsu-Jun so I've decided to pick up this drama. The premise sounds interesting and I just so happen to love Shoujo manga a lot (this drama is based on a manga). Ishihara Satomi is also one of my fave actresses so I'm super excited to see how this drama will turn out! From the looks of the teaser, it's looking like a rom-com :D




Boku no Ita Jikan

Japanese Title: 僕のいた時間

Start: January 8th / Time: 22:00 / Channel: FUJI TV

Cast: Miura Haruma, Tabe Mikako, Saito Takumi, Yamamoto Mizuki, Nomura Shuhei, and more


A human drama about a young man with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) that raises questions such as, "What's important in life?" or "What's the meaning of life?"


OMFG OMFG OBVIOUSLY I'M GONNA WATCH THIS ONE CUZ MIURA HARUMA IS MY TOP TOP TOP OF THE LIST BIAS!!!! I'm sorry I just can't talk about Miura Haruma without using caps most of the time lol. Anyways, even though I hate sad dramas, I'm going to watch this one because it not only has my top bias Miura Haruma, but also Tabe Mikako!!! If you guys didn't know, Kimi Ni Todoke was the movie that got me into Japanese entertainment and culture! So I will always have a soft spot for that couple :D




Senryoku Gai Sousakan

Japanese Title: 戦力外捜査官

Start: January 11th / Time: 21:00 / Channel: NTV

Cast: Takei Emi, TAKAHIRO, Yashima Norito, Tokushige Satoshi, Kinoshita Takayuki, Hamada Mari, YOU, Emoto Akira, and more


A comical detective drama that features actress Takei Emi in her first role as a detective. She plays a young woman who loves reasoning and wants to make a career as a detective. She gets help from the Superintendent General of the Metropolitan Police who assigns her to a team, but her new colleagues immediately try to ignore her in order to avert trouble with the top brass. This drama also marks EXILE's TAKAHIRO drama debut. He plays the good-looking partner with a strong sense of justice.


Watching because of Takei Emi!! Y'all know I love me some detective dramas and Takei Emi so this drama was a for sure kinda thing :D


  1. I think you're going to love Senryokugai Sosakan if you don't mind weak plots. Takei Emi has AMAZING chemistry with EXILE's TAKAHIRO! They are my favourite OTP of the moment!

    1. I've started watching it! At first I thought it was a little boring but I actually enjoy it. I like all the random lame jokes and such. I also agree that the plot is kind of weak but I don't mind :)

      Takei Emi is my bias and I feel like she has great chemistry with almost all her co-stars! :D

    2. Yes! It's cute to see Takei Emi and TAKAHIRO promoting the drama too!

      Takei Emi is my bias too but I think it's a pity the dramas she's in usually has weak plots... >.<

    3. I agree! I hope she takes on more serious roles in the future just to see how she would do. I love love loved her role in Taisetsu <3

    4. Yes! However, I think it's Oscar who chose which drama she should be in. so I don't think as a young actress, she has much power to choose her scripts yet.

      I'm still trying to wade through Taisetsu but I like how her character has more depth in it. I feel she seems more like the female lead in Taisetsu as compared to Toda Erika. Her presence is so strong that you simply can't ignore her existence.

      If you're interested, I find 'Kinkyu Torishirabeshitsu' starring Amami Yuki and 'Ashita, Mama ga Inai' starring Ashida Mana and Suzuki Rio interesting among other dramas in Winter 2014. Feel free to check them out if you wish. (o´∀`o)

    5. Yeah, I really do hope she gets more freedom in the future to choose her own roles!

      And yes, I would even say that she has the same amount of screen time or more compared to Toda Erika in Taisetsu. It was a great role!

      I actually started watching "Kinkyu Torishirabeshitsu" just yesterday. I can't seem to watch "Ashita, Mama ga Inai" though because I can't get into dramas with child actors as the leads. And also cuz its so sad ;'(

    6. I see~ Actually, "Ashita, Mama ga Inai" has its comical moments too. The children in the drama are pretty strong.
